There’s A Cool Frozen Easter Egg In Disney’s Zootropolis


‘Frozen’ may have been released almost two-and-a-half years ago, but it hasn’t prevented Disney from including a sneaky Easter egg in upcoming animation ‘Zootropolis’.

Admittedly with the film not actually released yet - it’s in cinemas at the end of March - this very early and latest image uncovered reveals a nice nod to Disney’s biggest ever animated movie. Don’t worry, there aren’t any spoilers to be shared.

Sure, from a distance all seems normal in the snowy city of Zootropolis.


But after the image is zoomed in, take a closer look at these characters…


No, your eyes do not deceive you - it’s a couple of baby elephants dressed up as Elsa and Anna!

We’re pretty sure there will be a few other crafty Easter eggs in the film, so keep your eyes peeled.

‘Zootropolis’ stars Jason Bateman and Ginnifer Goodwin as Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. When con artist Nick’s framed for a crime he didn’t commit, Hopps is on the case after the crafty fox becomes a fugitive and the pair team up to solve the mystery.

Disney will surely be keeping their fingers crossed that their latest animation can replicate the massive success of ‘Frozen’ which made $1.3 billion.

‘Zootropolis’ is in UK cinemas from 25 March.

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Picture credit: Disney