They're ugly and have a mean bite: Here's what you need to know about snapping turtles

Snapping turtles are known for their powerful bite but they rarely bother humans.
Snapping turtles are known for their powerful bite but they rarely bother humans.

I’ve often wondered just how much the average person living in New York knows about common snapping turtles? The answer for most is probably either “not much” or nothing at all.

Well, I can understand both of those responses. After all, while “snappers” are relatively common across the state, they are also masters of disguise as well as stealth.

But anyone who has seen one of these critters can be expected to say things like “they are really ugly” or “they hurt like h… when they bite”, or “I want my finger back” if they got too close to the turtle’s business end.

And the truth is that these critters are ugly, and dangerous to any humans who get too close, including smaller members of this species.

So I guess I had better start at the beginning. First of all, snappers can live, on average, for 30 to 45 years. But some individuals have made it for 60 years.

Len Lisenbee
Len Lisenbee

They can grow to become extremely large, too. While the average adult’s weight is around 15 to 20 pounds, they can grow much larger if given the right conditions. When I was a summer aide working at the Patuxent Wildlife Research facility, I remember a biologist who was cleaning a research pond of snappers and managed to catch one that weighed just over 75 pounds. It was a real monster.

These turtles are omnivores, meaning that they eat (rotting) aquatic vegetation as well as fish, snakes, and other higher animals. Years ago I witnessed a muskrat thrashing around in the water before it went out of sight under the surface.

Around a week later I spotted a decaying muskrat carcass with two small snappers actively feeding on it. I believe I am safe in saying it was likely killed by an adult snapper, and those two babies were just eating the leftovers.

Now about the snapper’s bite. Even babies of this species can bite painfully hard. But juveniles and adults are masters of biting really, really hard. And their upper mandible makes for a dandy cutting tool for biting through bones.

They got their name because of their lightning like strike, which serves them well with catching live fish and other aquatic critters like crayfish and mayfly or dragonfly larvae. They have even been observed catching young ducklings and goslings.

And they are also masters of camouflage. They can move into aquatic vegetation and lay still to blend in while awaiting passing prey. Or, they might bury themselves in open areas with only their eyes and nose visible so they can catch prey such as a tasty catfish.

As you might have already guessed, these turtles are 98 percent aquatic. They rarely sun themselves like virtually all other water turtles do. They will occasionally surface, stick their heads high to watch for danger and hang there for up to several hours, especially under a hot sun and clear sky. But they almost never go ashore unless it is for females to deposit eggs.

Snapping turtles are most vulnerable while depositing their eggs or after hatching from those eggs and heading for the nearest aquatic habitat. The adult females generally move some distance on land from the water's bank to some place generally within 50 yards of water.

Many die on highways for obvious reasons. And many humans dislike these critters and kill them on sight, sometimes using the turtle meat but most often simply leaving a headless snapper or one with a bullet hole in its shell behind.

Snapping turtles may appear to be aggressive, but the reality is that they try to avoid any confrontation, and only rely on their defensive nature when confronted by what they perceive as danger. Humans are completely safe when swimming in freshwater ponds, streams, rivers or lakes that may be inhabited by snapping turtles. Maybe that is why this species is honored as New York’s Official Reptile.

Alligator snapping turtles: The bigger and badder species

Victory Siwik shows off the 200-pound alligator snapping turtle he caught in West Tennessee.
Victory Siwik shows off the 200-pound alligator snapping turtle he caught in West Tennessee.

Not so for their extremely oversized cousins, alligator snapping turtles. These critters can grow to enormous sizes, with many weighing in excess of a hundred pounds.

A recent angler in a Texas lake caught one of these behemoths and managed to bring it to the “near shore” before wading in and carrying it up to shore.

It’s estimated weight was more than 150 pounds. And since this species is listed as threatened on both the federal and Texas endangered species lists, it was returned to the lake after a few photos were taken.

But they can grow even bigger. One caught in the past and tipped the scales at 256 pounds. Another that was probably larger (by measurements, but not weighed) may have weighed 300 pounds. Now that is one heck of a turtle.

ASTs, as I will refer to them to save print space, are native to fresh water areas and have been found in states from Texas to Florida and north to the Carolinas. One was captured and released in the Great Dismal Swamp, which borders southeastern Virginia.

These turtles share many of the habits of the much smaller snapping turtles. Fresh or brackish water is their main requirement. The water can be murky or even muddy, just as long as it is less salty than normal ocean water. They are only occasionally found in small ponds, mainly because adequate forage is rarely available for their survival.

Other than size, AST's look very similar to common snapping turtles. But the AST has three prominent ridges running down the full length of its carapace (shell), while common snappers have either smooth carapaces or only a slight mid-ridge.

The ASTs head is also larger in relationship to its size. If someone were to take a photo of a member of both species without anything in either photo for a size reference, it could be difficult for them to tell the difference between the two.

While the danger of a common snapper is the damage or loss of a human finger or toe, alligator snapping turtles are so much larger that the danger lies in the loss of an entire hand or foot. And because of the extraordinary strength of a ASTs bite, people who have witnessed such wounds claim that they look much like a surgeon had just made the amputation.

Why is the alligator snapping turtle called by that name? It is because of its incredibly powerful jaws combined with those three ridges on its shell. Together they give it a similar appearance to the ridged skin and incredibly strong bite of an alligator.

I was fortunate enough to make two AST cases during my career with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Both involved individuals advertising young ASTs for sale in local newspapers. And both of the individuals involved refused to identify the individual(s) who sold or supplied them the turtles.

But by using telephone records and other sources of information I was able to provide agents in Alabama and Louisiana with suspects who were later prosecuted in southern federal courts.

And my suspects both pleaded guilty and received the maximum fines allowed by the Endangered Species Act and Lacey Act for their lack of cooperation with my investigations.

I just love it when a plan comes together.

Len Lisenbee is the Daily Messenger’s Outdoor Writer. Contact him at

This article originally appeared on MPNnow: Snapping turtles are ugly and have a mean bite: Here's what to know