Things Trump said about Canada in 2018

The past year of diplomatic relations between Canada and the United States has been eventful, to say the least.

From flaring tempers to awkward silences to Twitter feuds and flying insults, months of North American trade deal talks pushed negotiators on both sides to the edge of decency. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and U.S. President Donald Trump were not above bouncing snide remarks off of one another, either.

The two countries, along with Mexico, would eventually sign the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement on Nov. 30, but not before trading a few rhetorical blows.

During the G7 summit in Quebec in June, Trudeau called the planned U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum insulting and said “Canadians will not be pushed around.”

And as the leaders’ competing interests on behalf of their countries led to stalemate after stalemate between Canadian and American negotiators, Trump — who could never claim restraint as a strength — was a wellspring of petulant, often inaccurate, comments and complaints.

From the impolite to the downright puzzling, here are some of the things Donald Trump said about Canada in 2018.