Think beyond sweet: Savoury porridge is a true breakfast game-changer

Some dishes can be both sweet and savoury, and yet few have ever tried a savoury version of porride, which can make the perfect glue to pull together a veggie bowl. Jens Kalaene/dpa
Some dishes can be both sweet and savoury, and yet few have ever tried a savoury version of porride, which can make the perfect glue to pull together a veggie bowl. Jens Kalaene/dpa

We tend to make our porridge sweet, but there's no reason why you can't put a new spin on your morning oats. Savoury porridge is filling, easy to make, inexpensive and arguably even more versatile then the classic.

If you prefer to boil your oats instead of letting them soak overnight, you can start by cooking them in vegetable broth or tomatoe juice, Germany's Centre for Nutrition (BZfE) recommends.

Use about 40 to 80g of oats per portion, the experts say. Instead of fruit, pimp your savoury porridge with fried mushrooms, tomatoes or fresh veggies including courgette, aubergine, carrots or bell pepper.

Chop the veg and either mix in directly with the simmering oats, or steam separately in a frying pan.

Really, the sky is the limit when it comes to savoury porridge toppings, but if you want to stick more closely to the breakfast range, try fried eggs, rocket, roasted chickpeas, smoked tofu or grated parmesan cheese.

Add some toasted seeds, cashews and walnuts for a bit of extra crunch and season with garlic, ginger, Mediterranean herbs, chilli or nutmeg, depending on your taste. To finish off, you can garnish with some soy or peanut sauce.