Third night of Rock Hill protests are quieter, still focused on police arrest methods

People protesting Wednesday’s forceful arrests of two Black men in Rock Hill descended on the city’s downtown Friday for a third-consecutive, and quieter, night.

The crowd of about 50, many of whom said they were part of the South Carolina Black Activist Coalition, kicked off the demonstrations with a press conference in the parking lot of the York County Library off Black Street, a few paces away from the Rock Hill Police Department.

Those who spoke made several demands. Among them: The two officers shown in the viral Facebook live video of the arrests of brothers Rickey and Travis Price should be terminated, they said, and Rickey Roderick Price, who was denied bond Thursday, should receive a second bond hearing.

Rock Hill Police Chief Chris Watts told reporters Thursday afternoon that two police officers have been placed on administrative leave, and South Carolina’s Law Enforcement Division has begun an independent investigation into the incident.

Justin Hunt, who said he graduated from Winthrop University, now lives in Charleston and attended the first two nights of protests, told reporters he doesn’t want to see his friends, his family members, treated differently because of the color of their skin.

“The reason to protest is not to compromise, but to make a demand for the rights that were promised to us when we were born an American citizen,” he said, adding with a hoarse voice, “This is what tired people sound like.”

Latarshia Hinton, who said she knows the Price family personally, said Rickey Price showed compliance in the video. She told reporters she did not believe Price’s car should have been searched.

“But he was still willing to put his hands behind his back, and let them put handcuffs on him without resisting. So there was no need for what they did,” she said. “He wasn’t arrested, he was mauled like a dog.”

Around 8 p.m., the group of about 50 left the library parking lot and moved to Fountain Park on Main Street. They then marched to the doors of the Rock Hill Police Department, chanting, “No good cops in a racist system!” and “All cops are bastards!”

Check back for updates on this developing story.