This 100-Year-Old Just Became The Trendiest Great Grandpa On Twitter


[Photo: Giphy]

Reaching the age of 100 is pretty darn impressive so, quite rightly, Jennifer Li tweeted a photo of her great grandpa wearing his new birthday gift. But she was rather surprised when it went viral for one certain reason.

Why? He was wearing a shirt covered in the ‘100′ emoji.


[Photo: Twitter/Jennifer Li]

After receiving the photo via text from her cousin Karina, Jennifer shared the photo with the caption ‘So my great grandpa turned 100 and this is what they got him’.

It soon started being retweeted, liked, and retweeted some more - and soon racked up 34,000 retweets and 64,000 favourites.


[Photo: Twitter/Kamara]

The great grandpa himself Roberto Martinez is also wearing another present in the photo - a Nike hat with the word ‘abuelo’ stitched onto it, which means ‘grandfather’ in Spanish.

Well, that’s one way to celebrate your 100th. You go Roberto.

What do think of Roberto’s shirt? Tweet us at @YahooStyleUK.

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