'Tick aware, but not tick afraid.' What you need to know about ticks on Cape Cod

The worst thing about Cape Cod is ticks.

A bold statement for sure, but all year long these mini-vampires are waiting for you. Yes, you: the blood meal on legs.

It would be bad enough if they just politely filled up and dropped off with no repercussions. But it's much worse than that. Tick bites can transmit a boatload of grim afflictions that can change your life and maybe even land you in the hospital. The rogue's gallery of maladies includes Lyme disease, tularemia, babesiosis, anaplasmosis and relapsing fever.

Whether you live on the Cape or vacation here, one of the most important things you should know is how to avoid ticks and what to do if you find one on your body.

"We want people to be tick aware, but not tick afraid," said Larry Dapsis, Cape Cod Cooperative Extension entomologist. "It's going to be a series of individual victories that will make the difference."

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Cape Cod Cooperative Extension entomologist Larry Dapsis holds a high magnification image of a female Lone Star tick in Barnstable.
Cape Cod Cooperative Extension entomologist Larry Dapsis holds a high magnification image of a female Lone Star tick in Barnstable.

Dapsis has developed a clear, concise package of tick information on the Barnstable County website. You can dial it up at capecod.gov/departments/cooperative-extension/programs/ticks-bugs. This is an important resource for anyone who spends time on Cape Cod.

Dapsis is also the subject of the highly informative short documentary film "Tick Days," by filmmakers Marnie Crawford Samuelson and Shane Hofeldt. The film can be viewed at bostonpicturegroup.com/tick-days. The film is about 18 minutes long and really brings home what the Cape is up against when it comes to ticks.

Much of the information below is culled from the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension website. Be safe out there!

Ticks are active all year long on Cape Cod.

With the possible exception of days when the temperature is below freezing, ticks on Cape Cod can be active all year. That means that offseason hiking, brush-clearing and even gardening still put you at risk for an unpleasant tick interlude.

A female deer tick picked up during a sweep in Marstons Mills.
A female deer tick picked up during a sweep in Marstons Mills.

What kind of ticks live on Cape Cod?

The blood-leeching lineup includes:

How can I lower my chances of getting bitten by a tick?

Your clothing is a great place to start when it comes to reducing the chances of a tick bite. When possible, wear long clothing when out and about in wooded areas and tuck your pants into your socks. Treating clothing with permethrin can also be a big help.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

"Permethrin is a broad spectrum, non-systemic, synthetic pyrethroid insecticide that targets adults and larvae of many species of biting, chewing, scaling, soil, and flying invertebrates. Permethrin is registered by the EPA as an insecticide for use in a variety of settings. When used to pre-treat clothing, it is an insect repellent."

Many hardware stores sell spray products that contain permethrin that can be used to treat clothing. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions on the product. Another alternative is purchasing clothing that has been treated with permethrin. Manufacturers say the permethrin remains effective through 70 washes. Companies including Insect Shield and L.L. Bean sell permethrin-treated clothing.

For skin protection, products that contain DEET and can be used on the skin may provide some protection. DEET is an insect repellent, that, according to the EPA, "works by making it hard for these biting bugs to smell us."

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What can I do after being outdoors to reduce the chances of a tick bite?

Check your skin and clothing and remove and dispose of any ticks you find. Ticks often cling to clothing, biding their time for when they can make a move to a bite location.

According to the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, tossing the clothes you wore outdoors into the dryer for 20 minutes will kill ticks that are hiding in your clothing.

What do I do if I find a tick attached to my body?

This is always a revolting development, but it may not mean that any affliction was transmitted. Certainly, though, you want to remove the tick immediately.

According to the Cape Cod Cooperative Extension, arm yourself with pointy tweezers and antiseptic.

  • Grasp the tick by the head with the tweezers and pull straight up. Avoid twisting.

  • Store the tick in a baggie and date it. Thus, you'll be able to identify the tick or send it off for testing, and also be able to provide information to your doctor about when the bite occurred.

  • After removing the tick, apply antiseptic to the bite area.

Should I notify my doctor about a tick bite?

According to Cape Cod Healthcare, in the event of a tick bite, you should notify "your primary care physician for next steps, which may include a blood test for Lyme disease and a course of antibiotics."

Should I use a tick identification and testing service?

Let's turn to the state Department of Public Health for this one. According to the department: "While testing ticks can provide useful information, there are some notable issues."

The state lists these issues:

  • Positive or negative results from a tick or ticks attached to a person do not provide definitive evidence that you were exposed or not exposed.

  • Most people diagnosed with a tick-borne disease are not aware that they have been bitten by a tick and the tick you do find may not be the only tick that bit you.

  • It is possible to be bitten by a tick carrying a disease and not be infected with that disease, depending on many factors, including how long the tick was attached to you.

Your best bet in the battle against tick-borne illness is to be aware of situations that might expose you to them. Take preventive measures to reduce your chances of being bitten. Be vigilant about checking yourself and your clothing after mucking around outdoors. If you have been bitten by one of the little rotters, remove it and consider seeking medical attention.

And most importantly, don't let ticks take away the joy of exploring and being outdoors on Cape Cod. It's too dang beautiful!

Eric Williams, when not solving Curious Cape Cod mysteries, writes about a variety of ways to enjoy the Cape, the weather, wildlife and other subjects. Contact him at ewilliams@capecodonline.com. Follow him on Twitter: @capecast.

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: What you need to know about Cape ticks: Prevention, bites, diseases