Tie-Dye Hair Has Arrived - And It’s Every Bit As Wonderful As We Hoped It Would Be


[Photo: How To Hair Girl/ Instagram]

The rainbow hair trend has now been around for a few years now and we’ve all tried a colourful hue in our locks at one time or another. Nonetheless, rainbow hair is no longer the jaw-dropping, exciting trend it once was and it was about time someone mixed things up.

Enter tie-dye hair, the new technique that’s putting the unique back in our up-do. Hairstylist, Tanya Ramirez is one of the first to showcase the magical new technique on her YouTube channel.


[Photo: untameddinstinct/ Instagram]

The results of her client’s blue hairstyle is pretty magical and resulted in every beauty addict under the sun wondered how they could copy the look at home.

But somehow we don’t think this is going to be a quick DIY jobby on a Friday night. Instead, the intricate technique is created by rolling lollypop sticks at a angle onto the dyed hair.

It’s a method that’s been around for some time now, inspired by the Japanese dying technique called Shibori.


[Photo: DJvictory/ Instagram]


[Photo: Hairstyles/ Instagram]

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