TikTok Influencer Brunch with Babs reveals her best car cleaning hacks

TikTok's Barbara Costello AKA Brunch with Babs discusses car cleaning hacks.

Key Video Takeaways

00:17 On toothpaste hack

00:42 On coffee filter hack

00:53 On white vinegar hack

01:23 Describes a "car gummy"

Video Transcript

BARBARA COSTELLO: So actually I made a TikTok about getting your car ready to sell, and I repurposed some typical household things that you have, like, for cleaning that you could use to clean your car. Actually, one was toothpaste. So you use toothpaste to clean-- toothpaste to clean your teeth. You can also use that to clean your headlights.

All you need is a soft cloth-- oh, there I am. [INAUDIBLE] --a quarter-sized dollop of toothpaste, and you just circular motion over your headlights. And it removes mild oxidation, which is going to give you a brighter light.

Also, there I'm using a coffee filter with just a few drops of olive oil. It attracts dust like a magnet, and it will prevent dust from accumulating so quickly.

Let's see. OK, if you have car odors-- you're carting around your kids. The toddlers are in the car, right? You want to sell your car. You don't want to have any nasty odors. Just take a cup full of white vinegar and leave that in the car overnight in the cupholder. And I personally like the smell of white vinegar, but if you don't, just take [INAUDIBLE] ball with a few drops of essential oil, and you'll have whatever scent that you enjoy your car.

So yeah, there's a lot of things that you can do. Actually, for those really hard-to-reach crevices, you can take-- you can make a car gummy, and what you do is you take Elmer's glue, baking soda, and contact-lens solution, believe it or not, and pour that directly into your cup holder. And mix it, and then let it sit for five minutes. It becomes like a putty. And you just add to, you know, your vents that you can never get clean--


BARBARA COSTELLO: --on the dashboard or the crevices on the door. It cleans everything.
