TikToker reveals her hack for getting outrageously cheap food from restaurants: ‘No way all that was $5.99’

A TikTok user has shared her experience getting cheap food with an app, saving money and reducing food waste in the process.

The scoop

In a recent video, TikTok user Tessa (@tessapicarella) shows off a massive box of donuts that she bought through Too Good To Go, an app that connects users with local eateries to buy leftover food at the end of the day.

“Another day, another Too Good To Go!” Tessa says in the video. “Today we got donuts and a lot of them. This is from Jolly Donuts, it’s in Culver City.”

In the video, Tessa unloads the donuts from the box into a large bowl, revealing several jelly donuts, a bear claw, a glazed vanilla donut, an old fashioned, a maple bar, a chocolate bar, a crumb donut, and several others.

“There are so many donuts, you guys!” she says. “I’m running out of space!”

The box of 14 gigantic donuts cost just $5.99, thanks to Too Good To Go.

How it’s helping

As inflation causes our favorite restaurants and bakeries to become more and more expensive, Too Good To Go provides an easy way to access great food for a fraction of the usual price.

The app is easy to use: All you have to do is download it, look for local eateries, purchase a “surprise bag,” and pick it up at the designated time. You’ll receive a mystery selection of the restaurant’s leftover goods that haven’t sold by the end of the day.

Food waste is an enormous problem around the world. In the U.S., we waste around one-third of all the food we produce, according to Feeding America. That’s about 119 billion tons of wasted food every year.

Too Good To Go helps reduce food waste by giving restaurants, bakeries, and grocery stores the opportunity to sell food that they’d throw away otherwise. It’s a great deal for customers, too, as the food you get from a Too Good To Go surprise bag can cost significantly less than the typical price.

The app currently has over four million users that frequent over 9,000 participating businesses, according to the company’s website.

What everyone’s saying

Users shared their excitement about the donuts — and Too Good To Go — in the comments section.

“Yummy, so generous. In France, we can have only 3 donuts for 6$


,” one user wrote.

“Nah aint no way all of that was 5.99,” another user commented.

“THEY ARE MASSIVE,” a third user said.

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