TikToker shares 'incredible' Apple Watch hack for people with limited mobility

A TikTok user is drawing tons of praise for her video revealing a series of Apple Watch hand gestures. A TikTok user is drawing tons of praise for her video revealing a series of Apple Watch hand gestures. The hack, which highlights a little-known feature on the watch’s newer models, comes courtesy of user Elly Awesome (@ellyawesometech). In the video, Elly shows how the “amazing” feature lets users navigate their Apple Watch without ever touching the screen. The secret? Hand gestures. To turn on the feature, go to the Accessibility settings on your watch — or a connected iPhone — then click “on” next to AssistiveTouch. There’s a preset designation for each hand gesture, or as Elly points out, you can also customize them yourself. You can even set an “activation gesture,” which allows you to turn on the feature with a simple hand movement. “It’s an incredible feature,” Elly says in the clip. The video drew more than 14 million views. In the comments, many pointed out how helpful the hand gestures are for people with limited mobility. “I have one arm,” one user wrote. “This is great. I’m definitely getting one now”. “Omg thank you so much,” another added