TikTok's Willy Wonka Is in a Huge Feud with His "Number One Fan"

Photo credit: @willywonkatiktok/TikTok; @itsautumntiktok/TikTok
Photo credit: @willywonkatiktok/TikTok; @itsautumntiktok/TikTok

From Seventeen

You know that scene in The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius when Carl yells, "Stop the world, I wanna get off"? OK, well, that's me after learning about this latest TikTok drama.

Willy Wonka — no, not *the* Willy Wonka, but the TikTok version — is feuding with a mega fan of his, and there's a LOT of he said/she said business going around. Let's pour the tea, shall we?

The current drama seemed to kick off in mid-February. TikTok user @itsautumntiktok — aka Autumn — used to go by the handle @winniewonka.tiktok. She was a fan page for Tyson Duke Charlesworth, aka Duke Depp, aka TikTok's Willy Wonka. Like Duke, Autumn would dress up as the 2005 Warner Bros. Pictures version of Willy Wonka, played by Johnny Depp, and make fun content as the character.

Unfortunately, Autumn claimed Duke is the reason she had to change her TikTok "name and profile pictures because Willy Wonka TikTok pretty much wanted to be the only Wonka."

Autumn then shared a screenshot of Willy Wonka allegedly DMing with another creator. The screenshot showed him saying he reported her account.

"First of all, that is so rude that you report your number one fan that's been here since day one, and you just report me?" she ended part one of the video.

In her part two video, Autumn explained that after Duke allegedly reported her account, she started to get messages from TikTok that said she was "posing as another person." Autumn pointed out that though she was "posing as Willy Wonka," she's a girl and was cosplaying as Mrs. Wonka.

"First of all, Duke Depp did not create all things Wonka, so I don't know why I would get banned, you know?" Autumn pointed out. (Technically, Roald Dahl is the creator of Willy Wonka, first writing about him in his 1964 children's book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was later turned into a Paramount Pictures movie called Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory in 1971, and remade by Warner Bros. Pictures in 2005 as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.)

A day after posting those TikToks, Autumn made another one, captioning it, "I was your number 1 supporter @willywonkatiktok sorry I 'begged' for your attention 🤕😭."

She overlayed that video with a snippet from Ariana Grande's "One Last Time," including the lyrics, "I don't deserve it, I know I don't deserve it / But stay with me a minute, I swear I'll make it worth it / Can't you forgive me? At least just temporarily / I know that this is my fault, I should have [been more careful]."

TikTokRoom actually posted about that particular TikTok, reporting that Duke was now getting backlash for his alleged treatment of Autumn.

Duke responded to a couple of comments on TikTok, as screenshoted by TikTokRoom. (I'll get to the January drama Duke mentioned in a sec. Stay with me here.)

Since then, Autumn made a TikTok claiming Duke's fans were accusing her of lying, which she denied.

Someone also asked why she was still making Winnie Wonka videos after saying she wasn't going to do that anymore. She said, "So, I was thinking about it and I realized, why should I care what people think, you know? Why should I care what Duke/Willy Wonka thinks, or why I should care about what his fans think? I grew this platform without Willy Wonka, and I will continue doing, growing my platform without Willy Wonka..."

Later, Autumn made another TikTok, claiming Duke "got mad that [she] said [she] wouldn't date him in a lifestream."

This actually isn't the first time Autumn's said this. She made a video back in January 2020 about the alleged dating drama — which explained what Duke meant when he commented to a fan about how he apologized to Autumn back in January.

Fast-forward to February 25: Duke made a video explaining his side of the situation. He stated he never reported her account and didn't have problems with the videos she was making. "What would get under my skin is when she would send her fans to spam things in my livestream chats," he said. "Not only to my Willy Wonka account but to my Duke accounts as well. She knew I didn't like this and I very clearly had to end multiple livestreams because of it."

Duke then explained he appreciates his fans and does "everything" for them.

After that video dropped (and TikTokRoom posted about it), Autumn said in a TikTok video caption, "@willywonkatiktok just apologize."

In the vid, Autumn asked Duke to quit playing the victim and trying to get sympathy from people. "Like, you said what you said. Just own up to your mistakes."

Then — because oh no, we're not done yet, folks! — Autumn made another video, presenting her "proof." She later went on to make a few more TikToks about the ordeal and claimed Duke "is lying in the situation."

Randomly entering the chat is none other than the controversial influencer, Trisha Paytas. In her TikTok, which Autumn dueted, Trisha sided with Autumn and said creators need to show love to their fans. "[Fame] may not last forever; people may get over you," Trisha said "One thing that's consistent is your fans, and if you show them loyalty, you'll last a really long time. Comment and duet your fans."

Something tells us this drama isn't over yet, but we'll have to wait and see how it plays out.

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