Take time to appreciate the value of Florida forests | Opinion

Prescribed burn managers conduct a burn demonstration during the Red Hills Fire Festival at Tall Timbers on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020.
Prescribed burn managers conduct a burn demonstration during the Red Hills Fire Festival at Tall Timbers on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020.

It’s hard to believe a year has passed since we officially celebrated #FloridaForests during our annual Florida Forests Week. This year October 23-29 marks the official celebration for 2022.

I’m excited to report that the #FloridaForests social media campaign begun last year by the Florida Forestry Association and Florida Forest Service is still running strong, along with other initiatives like Faces of Florida Forestry (#facesoffloridaforestry), which showcases the many people that comprise this community we call Forestry in Florida.

Speaking of communities, forestry in Florida is in many ways the lifeblood of North Florida’s rural communities. When we read the term lifeblood, our minds intuitively jump to the numerous economic opportunities created by an industry valued at over $25-billion in contributions to Florida’s GDP annually.

Certainly, the job opportunities in manufacturing, logging, silvicultural activities, forestry consulting, wood procurement, equipment sales, fuel distribution, and the various roles of the Florida Forest Service should not be taken for granted.  However, the word lifeblood encompasses far more than an occupation.

During the 2022 Florida Legislative session, $2 million was approved for use by Florida’s Land Grant Institutions to further attempt to understand and value the ecosystem services provided by agriculture in Florida.  This exciting announcement should build upon prior research supporting the critical role that forests play in providing clean water and air, in protecting and housing threatened and endangered species, and creating corridors that link the vital above and below ground ecological systems that are the foundation of the Florida we love and enjoy. This is critically important to all Floridians and for those who come after us.

Prescribed burn managers uses a drip torch to ignite brush during a burn demonstration during the Red Hills Fire Festival at Tall Timbers on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020.
Prescribed burn managers uses a drip torch to ignite brush during a burn demonstration during the Red Hills Fire Festival at Tall Timbers on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020.

Whether you are a multi-generational Floridian or just arrived last week, we all know that Florida faces unprecedented challenges considering the enormous population increases over the recent decades.  Together as Floridians, we face threats like hurricanes, saltwater intrusion, aquifer recharge issues, invasive species, and air and water quality concerns, many of which are unique to or exacerbated by Florida’s sensitive landscape.  As a forestry community, we want all Floridians to know that Florida’s forests are poised and ready to be a part of the solution and an integral component in Florida’s future success.

We recognize that, perhaps, we haven’t always shared the numerous benefits Florida’s forests have to contribute to the well-being of Floridians, but we pledge to do better.  We ask and hope you all as Floridians will seek out information about forestry in Florida and find ways to help support its sustainability.  And in the spirit of the Fall season if nothing else, we remind you that whether you’re a Gator, Nole, Cane, Knight, or Bull, we wouldn’t have football helmets without trees.

I hope you all enjoy this special time of year and take opportunities to explore all that Florida forests have to offer. You won’t be disappointed.

John Dooner
John Dooner

John Dooner is a Senior Forester with Southern Forestry Consultants. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Florida Forestry Association.


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This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Take time to appreciate the value of Florida forests | Opinion