It's time to get back outdoors, kids and adults

It looks like the cold weather is over now. Spring is definitely arriving, bringing weather more conducive to outdoor activities.

I usually write about youth groups and their activities. But you have many opportunities to have family activities as well. These are especially meaningful when you share them with children.

If you have children, grandchildren, etc., get them outside. Take them to a ball game, to the local park or to a state park or historical area. Make leaving all electronic devices in the car a condition and let them explore other opportunities.

Too much trouble? Not enough time? Weekends are for other things? Well then, think of this: Young children will soon be teen-agers, more likely to not want parents or siblings around so much. And teen-agers will soon be adults, beginning their own lives away from your home.

What memories and shared adventures will you have when that happens?

It’s possible they may resist. They don’t want to let go of their video devices or social media. But experienced adults realize those can rob them of seeing opportunities all around them. Getting out into nature will be new for many of them, and perhaps for you. But the memories should make it worth the effort.

No experience camping or going outdoors? No worries. It doesn’t have to be hard cored or highly expensive. Check with neighbors, work associates, members of groups you are a part of for some pointers. Perhaps even plan a trip together with a more experienced friend or family.

Some effort will be required on many fronts, but the results could be forever rewarding. Think about it.

Upcoming events

  • “Earth Day the Girl Scout Way” Friday-Sunday, Stevens Ranch. For adult leaders; parents can bring their Scouts for a separate program. $55 for adults, $35 for Scouts. Registration deadline has passed; contact Heidi Vose, 817-869-0736 or for availability.

  • “Medical Careers with Texas Tech University,” 6-7 p.m. April 24 (repeats May 8). Virtual and on-site options. For high school seniors and interested adults. No fee, but pre-registration required. Out-of-council members welcome. 800-582-7272 or

  • “Fireside Chat” on Girl Scout summer camp (Texas Oklahoma Plains council), 7:30-9 p.m. April 25. Zoom event; no fee, deadline to register has passed, check at for availability.

  • “Every Artist Starts Little,” 9:30-10:30 April 28, NCCIL, 102 Cedar St., Abilene. For preschoolers. Story time, coloring, songs, etc. 325-673-4586.

  • Blended wilderness first aid, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. April 29 (rescheduled from earlier date), 3811 N. 1st St., Abilene. $85 per person; must be CPR certified and complete online portion before attending. Register at council office or online at

  • National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature, 102 Cedar St., Abilene, offers art activities each Saturday from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at no charge. 325-673-4586


  • Wednesday for Twilight Girl Scouts: Story Filler, 6:30 p.m. May 5, San Angelo service center. For Daisies and Brownies, Central Texas Council only. Create a story, make costumes, etc. $30 per Scout.

  • April 27 for “STEM at ACU” college tour, 10 a.m. May 4 (featuring the engineering department). For Girl Scouts in grades 6 through 12. $5 per Scout. Megan McBurnett, 817-735-5332 or; or

Contact Carl Kieke at 325-673-3552 (voice only); or Deadline is Monday for publication the following Monday

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: It's time to get back outdoors, kids and adults