Timelapse of Montreal Climate March Shows Stream of Protesters

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Montreal, Canada, on September 27 as 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg led a march to protest governmental inaction in addressing climate change.

In a timelapse video posted by Greenpeace, the scale and density of the crowd turnout for the climate strike was captured by an elevated camera.

It was estimated that around 500,000 people marched in Montreal, joining an estimated 5.5 million other climate protesters worldwide.

Greenpeace said: “The #ClimateStrike is going strong in Montreal, Canada! We want actions, not words!”

The high turnout was due in part to Thunberg’s attendance at the Montreal march, where she delivered a speech and declared on her Twitter feed “Change is coming.” Credit: Greenpeace via Storyful