The timeline of the FDA's ban on Juul vaping products

Yahoo Finance health reporter Anjalee Khemlani outlines the events surrounding the FDA's ban on Juul products and e-cigarettes, as well as Pfizer's Paxlovid COVID-19 treatment pill receiving an Emergency Use Authorization from the FDA.

Video Transcript

RACHELLE AKUFFO: An update in the vaping saga now. The FDA is allowing Juul Labs products to stay on the market, at least for now. Yahoo Finance's Anjalee Khemlani is here with the details. Anjalee, why are we now seeing this pause?

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: Well, it has to do with the timeline, so let's just rewind and remember that the FDA introduced that ban on Juul on June 23. Following that, Juul, of course, filed in courts for, basically, an appeal, but also to stay that ban. And they won that through that US Court of Appeals in DC. And then now, as of yesterday, the FDA temporarily paused the ban on Juul.

And that's where Juul is now being allowed to sell in the markets, though it is important to point out that the FDA did say in a quote specifically that while the agency has determined that there are scientific issues unique to Juul, that the stay in the agency's review does not constitute authorization to market sell or ship Juul products. So still some language in there about basically holding back.

And we have to remember that the issue at hand is not largely e-cigarettes, but specifically something specific to Juul's pods, their liquid pods, and whether or not they may or may not have some harmful chemicals in there. So that's sort of where the concern is. And what we just have to wait is for that regulatory review process to take place and for the FDA to give its final review on that.

JARED BLIKRE: To Juul or not to Juul. It looks like people are going to be doing it for a while longer. We've got a little bit of time here. I'm going to give you the floor. Anything else you're watching in the healthcare space today?


JARED BLIKRE: Today or any other-- well, here's a headline. FDA is revising its EUA-- that's the Emergency Use Authorization-- for the Pfizer COVID pill. That is Paxlovid. Did I get that right?

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: Correct, that's Paxlovid. Yeah.

JARED BLIKRE: Pharmacists can prescribe it. So that's an incredible license here.

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: That is, and that's expanding the use through what they see is, at least, one tool, or at least, one still viable treatment that individuals have to be able to take in their home. And there is some concern about whether or not it is useful and whether or not people should be getting access to it. So if you talk to healthcare experts, there's sort of a mixed review on this. But of course, this also in light of the fact that we're looking at a fall in boosters and the potential for more variants to come up and what does that mean and monoclonal antibodies.

JARED BLIKRE: 'Tis the season.

ANJALEE KHEMLANI: I mean, there's just so much on the table there.