Here’s the timing for the spring snowstorm that will sweep into Kansas City overnight

It will look and feel like someone turned back the calendar a couple of months as a spring snowstorm is expected to move through the Kansas City area, turning roads slushy for Tuesday morning’s commute, said FOX4 meteorologist Michelle Bogowith.

“Enjoy the weather today because that cold front is sweeping through, bringing big changes, dropping our air temperatures at first, and eventually we’re going to be talking about a wintry-mix transitioning to snow,” said Bogowith, who provides weather updates to The Star.

A winter weather advisory for the metro area and points west and north of Kansas City will kick off at 10 p.m. Monday and continuing through 10 a.m. Tuesday. Areas to the south and east of Kansas City will see the chance for rain with some snow mixing in, but that shouldn’t pose much of an issue, she said.

“Most of the snow is going to be staying across northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri,” Bogowith said. “You can start to see the snow falling at 2 a.m.”

The metro area will likely see a wintry mix at that time, with cold rain showers off to the south and east, she said.

“Then there’s that transition over to snow for the morning commute tomorrow,” Bogowith said. “As this pours down for some of you, it is going to create maybe a little bit of slush on some of the roadways.”

Drivers should be prepared for slick spots on elevated surfaces, including bridges and overpasses. Only a minor accumulation is expected, which should melt rather quickly. It might not even look like it snowed, she said.

The Missouri Department of Transportation tweeted out videos showing crews getting trucks ready to treat the roads for the morning commute. Kansas City announced on its snow page that crews will report for the night shift at 11:30 p.m. and run salt and plow operations as the snow accumulates.

“You could have up to two inches of snow accumulation,” Bogowith said. “It is going to be very, very difficult to take measurements, though, with the melting factor coming into play.”

Temperatures are expected to tank heading into Wednesday morning. A freeze watch is in effect as temperatures are expected to dive into the upper 20s area wide, she said.