Tipping Point contestant bungles 'easy' space question

Viewers of ITV's Tipping Point were left shouting at the screen when fire marshal Paul failed to answer an easy-sounding question about a 'marsquake'.

Video Transcript

BEN SHEPHARD: Your time starts now. A marsquake is a violent shaking that occurs on the surface of which planet? - The moon? BEN SHEPHARD: Mars. - Mars. BEN SHEPHARD: 3 points are scored for a drop goal in which form of rugby? - National. BEN SHEPHARD: Union. - Union. BEN SHEPHARD: The-- KFC. Oh! - Tsch. Ah! BEN SHEPHARD: That did not go well. - No, it didn't. BEN SHEPHARD: Just the one correct answer. It's so tough when you're up against it. A marsquake is a violent shaking that occurs on the surface of which planet? - The answer was in the question. BEN SHEPHARD: It was right there. - The answer was in the question. BEN SHEPHARD: Right.