Tips for college graduates entering workforce

Recent college graduates are heading into a changing workforce. But recent graduates aren’t like other generations — their college experiences were entirely upended and shifted to online or virtual for semesters and maybe even years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the outlook looks good for recent grads, especially in comparison to last year. U.S. employers are planning to hire 31.6% more college grads this year compared to 2021, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

The class of 2022 is resilient, and they should be prepared for the job search process to ensure they find a job that sets them on their desired career path. They should also be aware of this high demand for workers, which allows them to be intentional during the job search process. Below, you’ll find my tips for recent college grads who are entering the workforce for the first time.

The internet is a wonderful place to find job openings, sites like Indeed and LinkedIn are flooded with new jobs every day. In Michigan, we have a system called Pure Michigan Talent Connect, which is your launching pad for new jobs and careers. It connects Michigan’s job seekers and employers and serves as a central hub linking all public and private stakeholders who support Michigan’s workforce. Pure Michigan Talent Connect serves as the state’s labor exchange system. You can post your resume and search for jobs.

In addition to your online search, one of the most important things you can do in your job search is utilize your network and resources. Research shows that “weak ties” — individuals from your outer circle you may consider acquaintances who you see infrequently — are particularly impactful during a job search. The people you’re closest to generally have the same knowledge and social groups as you, whereas your “weak ties” can offer opportunities from beyond your immediate circles and knowledge. It was through my own network that I first learned about an opportunity available at my own agency years ago.

Although you don’t have to do it frequently, keep in contact with your classmates and professors from college, whether it be via email, LinkedIn or at in-person or virtual networking events/happy hours. And when you’re on the job hunt, don’t be afraid to share a message on LinkedIn or send out a few emails with your resume attached that you’re open to work.

After you find a job you’re interested in, make sure you are open and up front about what you’re looking for and what your priorities are in a job — to both yourself and the employers. Elements to consider while apply for, interviewing and eventually, accepting a job position include (but are not limited to):

Benefits (this includes paid vacation, health insurance, vision insurance, etc.)

Compensation packages (including the potential for raises and bonuses)

Schedule and flexibility

Location and travel requirements

Growth opportunities

Work environment

Employee culture/relationships

Values of an organization

Impact of work

And once you do land an interview (or more than one), make sure to ask the right questions, the ones that get to the root of the organization and the potential role you may have in it. Remember, you are interviewing the organization or company just as much as they’re interviewing you to make sure it’s the right fit for you.

Congratulations to all recent college graduates out there! There’s plenty of opportunity out there, all you have to do it go for it. And if you need additional support, Capital Area Michigan Works! is here to support you. Check out our online resources or email us at Good luck!

Carrie Rosingana is the CEO of Capital Area Michigan Works! to connect with the Capital Area Michigan Works! team for assistance with career exploration or staffing needs. Capital Area Michigan Works!, a proud partner of the American Job Center Network, offers services in Ingham, Clinton and Eaton counties at our Lansing, St. Johns and Charlotte American Job Centers.

This article originally appeared on Lansing State Journal: Tips for college graduates entering workforce
