Tips on staying sober this holiday season

Throughout December, numerous family gatherings, work functions and holiday celebrations can occur. It is a joyous time of year, yet it can also be challenging. Many individuals experience increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression and loneliness.

It can be particularly difficult for those struggling with a substance use disorder or those newly in recovery. Overall, maintaining sobriety this time of year is not easy. The holiday season can bring up a wide variety of emotions.

Fortunately, there are practical ways for anyone to remain sober, regardless of what holidays are celebrated in December.

However, if you or someone you know is struggling with a substance use disorder, it is critical to intervene and get them help. The holiday season can be the ideal time to attend drug rehab to focus on treatment and sobriety.

Holiday sobriety may feel like an uphill battle. Still, the three best approaches to staying sober involve having a well-thought-out plan with an exit plan, maintaining a high level of self-care, and having a support system.

“Ideally, this is an individualized holiday sobriety survival guide, yet there are general approaches that anyone could use to stay sober during December,” said Marcel Gemme of

Firstly, a holiday plan should involve some of the following:

  • Knowing what to do if you feel uncomfortable and how to address triggers that could lead to relapse.

  • Knowing how to turn down a drink and what to do if a family member or friend does not take no for an answer.

  • Bringing non-alcoholic drinks or holiday mocktails to the party.

  • Having an exit plan and a way home.

Planning saves a lot of trouble and stress. It is also important to note that turning down invitations and leaving gatherings early is okay. If you are focused on sobriety, those who love you will understand.

The second part involves maintaining a particular level of self-care. It can be a busy time of year for most people, and we often neglect things that keep stress levels down. The acronym H.A.L.T is a helpful tool (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired).

Stay well-fed with food your body and mind can use and try to avoid binging on holiday sweets. While sugar does reduce cravings, too much can cause other issues with sleep.

Try not to push aside negative emotions such as anger or frustration. Yet, find a way to manage these emotions in a healthy manner effectively. While it can be challenging to predict anger, we can plan a way to manage the feeling.

Avoid being alone and get plenty of sleep. Loneliness during the December holidays leads to stress, anxiety, depression, and binge drinking. Make a point of spending time with the people close to you and ensure you are well-rested with at least eight hours of sleep each night.

Finally, have a sober support system in place, such as 12-step meetings, a sponsor, friends, or a family member. If you know this time of year is particularly challenging, bring a sober friend to holiday celebrations.

Michael Leach has spent most of his career as a healthcare professional specializing in substance use disorder and addiction recovery. He is a certified clinical medical assistant, and contributor to the healthcare website Recovery Begins.

This article originally appeared on Las Cruces Sun-News: Leach: Tips on staying sober this holiday season