Tips and tricks for staying organized as kids go back to school

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August already? Whether your kids go back early this month or a little later, it’s time to get organized for back to school (and not a moment too soon). Heather Taylor, founder and lead organizer for Upstate Organized Living, has some wonderful tips and tricks for keeping the entire family in check when it comes to school, sports, and everything in between.

Working under the motto, “Life is hard, let’s make it easier,” Taylor said she knows it can be hard to not only keep track of your little ducks, but their schoolbooks, baseball cleats, water bottles, and homework all at the same time. Knowing how to find and return those items to their home base makes each day a little easier.

“Having a normal place to return things to is key. It’s not perfect, but it helps,” she said.

The biggest, most vital thing Taylor advises is creating habits. Make it a habit for shoes to go into their bin and backpacks to be hung up. People need to practice what they want to become a habit, so a reminder either visually or verbally to put things in their designated spots is key.

Doing what works for your family is also important. Just because your friend has a hallway closet divided for each member of the household doesn’t mean you need it, too. If it works best for your family to chuck shoes into a pop-up laundry hamper, do that. Figure out what works for the people in your home and stick to it.

Whether you have one child or six, they will have stuff. Diaper bags or backpacks, cups, shoes, dance accessories, football uniforms, and more – they all need a home. If your child is old enough, teach them where their things go. If your kids don’t learn to hang up their bags and put their sports equipment away, it falls on you to do it. And you have enough to do.

“Set an example and give kids a visual reminder so they will remember to do their tasks every day,” Taylor said.

And Taylor said these routines can begin right now. Don’t wait for school to start to get organized, get it going before then. The key, Taylor reiterated, is to find a system that works for your family. That might mean keeping shoes outside or backpacks lined up on the floor by the door, but it is easier to start good habits before bad habits form.

Most importantly, don’t being too hard on yourself when things get out of hand. Taylor said parents should just keep going, making it better day by day. Take a few minutes to clear off the dining room table if it gets junked up, challenge kids in a race to see who can get their things put away fastest – make it fun. Keep at it, because life and homes will get messy, but they can always be cleaned up again.

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: Tips and tricks for staying organized as kids go back to school