Today’s news in 10 minutes

September 8, 2023

Today on CNN 10, there’s a U.S. presidential election happening in 2024 and a new CNN poll is taking a look at how Americans are feeling about the current direction of the country. Then, CNN 10 is looking at a golf course that’s getting a makeover with our Call To Earth series. All that and a record breaking baseball game on today’s episode.


1. Thousands of stranded attendees made recent headlines at what annual arts festival in remote Nevada?

2. Four astronauts touched down in Florida this week, where were they for the last six months?

3. What form of cheese recently broke a world record in Mexico?

4. What’s the name of the major tennis tournament that happened in New York this week?

5. Featured in Wednesday’s show, the U.S. and its allies are concerned about a potential meeting between Russia and what other country?

6. What’s the name of the resource rich nation in Central Africa where there was a recent military takeover of the government?

7. What European city has announced that it will soon charge day trip visitors a fee for entry on some days?

8. A dog orchestra recently participated in a symphony created by what famous composer’s father?

9. Participants at a recent charity event broke a record for playing which sport for over 100 hours?

10. Featured in Friday’s episode, a golf course is getting a whole new look in what city in Ohio?

Click here to access the printable version of today’s CNN 10 transcript

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