Today's letters: Readers comment on DeSantis, warehousing and the local theater

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My vote goes to DeSantis

Ron DeSantis was elected governor of Florida by the majority of people. His fearless leadership to disallow the unconstitutional vaccine mandates and mask mandates were and are on the right side of our constitutional civil rights as well as governing justly for parental rights.

In Florida we did not vote for indoctrination of our children nor did we vote for any kind of medical mandates. The radical left Marxist are anti-family, anti-women and anti-children. The racial divide has been weaponized to create civil war; we have food shortages, formula shortages, significant energy shortages; we are being overrun at our border and deluged with drugs, and steered purposefully into a collapsing economy designed to gut America in the face of rising global tensions. Billions in equipment have been discarded to enemies in Afghanistan and we are sending billions to Ukraine yet we cannot feed our own.

DeSantis has kept Florida free and has stood up to the Marxist left. He has my vote for courageous leadership against the Marxist scourge befalling our country. Every nation state that fell prey to Marxism globally has been destroyed. Venezuela, Cuba, Russia and China are all tyrannical governments that destroyed freedoms and solutions of prosperity for their populations. Fifty years of liberal reforms by the moderate Democrats have been wiped out in one year by the Marxists. I vote for DeSantis as he keeps Florida free. Disney can kiss my grits!

Doris Rudnick, Ocala

Four million square feet

I've been trying to wrap my head around what 4 million square feet of warehouses would look like, and here's what I found (I'm a visual person).

Imagine what 1,000 feet looks like. A football field is about 300 feet long, so just about three football fields in length. Now imagine that in both directions (as a square) and there you have it — 1,000,000 square feet.

Now multiply this by four and you have an idea of what the 4 million square feet of warehouses would look like. And that's just the warehouses, not all the other stuff that is proposed.

Please, county commissioners, explain to me how this proposed development in the Farmland Preservation Area can even be considered in rural Marion County, the horse capital of the world.

Jacqueline Robinson, Reddick

Support the theater

We in Marion county have a theater that is second to none. The last production this season was “Beauty and the Beast.” It was fantastic and as good as a Broadway production.

The new season starts in September, and we need to support our “gem.” Consider buying season tickets to support our wonderful theater.

Mike Savage, Ocala

No DeSantis for president

I'm sure all Americans have heard of “government of the people, by the people and for the people.” It's in the U.S. Constitution.

It’s not true in the state of Florida, where it is “government of DeSantis, by DeSantis and for DeSantis.” He is a legend in his own mind. I actually voted for him, but his philosophy and beliefs have changed. It must be the Trump DNA flowing through his veins.

I'm afraid for our state and for our country when he decides to run for president. Let’s not memorialize him but call him what he really is: egotistical, bigoted, racist and demanding. He wants what he wants and he wants it now, regardless of whether it hurts the people — as long as it builds him up.

Howard Kletter, Ocala

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This article originally appeared on Ocala Star-Banner: June 12 letters: Readers comment on DeSantis, warehouses and theater