Today's letters: Readers comment on Putin and believing scientists

Get Putin

OK, America, it’s time for all NATO nations to each load up an air bomber and all fly over the Kremlin and let their bombs go all at once. Putin is a monster and appears to be as bad as Hitler. We can not let the Holocaust happen again.

Forget about the price of oil and your gas — get Putin! He has to be stopped before this turns into World War III. Write your congressmen and women, and let’s save the rest of Ukraine. We cannot let this be our legacy. Even God took out evil people.

Patricia H. Howd, Ocala

Pray for Ukraine

We pray for God's mercy on the people in Ukraine who are bravely fighting for their freedom. They are outnumbered, yet they desperately want to be a democratic country to live in freedom, and they know many of them may die. All they ask for are weapons to help them survive.

We are right not to put American boots on the ground. However, President Biden is a weak leader. He has no backbone and is afraid of Putin. Putin is pulling the strings and Biden offers mere weak sanctions. Then he said we will wait a month to see.

The people in Ukraine need help now. Biden needs to get America's pipelines and natural gas working again and start pumping the Keystone pipeline. Make us energy efficient like President Trump left this country, then we can supply Europe and make things easier on the American people without buying from Russia. Stop Russian's Nord Stream pipeline that he gave to Putin.

Putin sees Biden and knows he is not true to his words. The world remembers how Biden left Americans and allies in Afghanistan and caused 13 of our brave soldiers to die needlessly. How he said no American will be left behind — well, he left them. He left our trained dogs at the airport in crates to die. So, once again, he says no boots on the ground. Do you believe him?

We may be headed for a third world war, God forbid. But, we need a president whom Putin and the world respects and fears. This is not Biden or his vice president.

Americans, pray for world peace, pray for our military who have been sent to the surrounding countries of Ukraine and all of the people in Ukraine.

Barbara Tucker, Ocala

Which scientists to trust?

This is in response to “Believe scientists.”

Scientists at one time said the universe revolved around the Earth. They also said the Earth was flat and many other things we now accept as being incorrect. Now, don't get me wrong, scientists are our best source of knowledge and understanding of things. However, they can be wrong.

If we are going to trust scientists, should we not also trust the ones that say the Earth has had numerous cycles of tropical and ice ages? Is it possible that Earth is in one of those cycles and that man's efforts are futile in preventing it? I suggest we spend our money, time and effort on learning how to survive rather than trying to stop nature.

Humans did not exist during these earlier tropical and ice age cycles, so we did not cause them with carbon emissions. Additionally, some scientists claim that one volcano eruption puts more carbon in the air than all man has in the history of man.

So, I ponder the question, which scientists do we trust?

Arthur N. Weaver, Reddick

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This article originally appeared on Ocala Star-Banner: March 12 letters: Readers comment on Putin and believing scientists