Todd Chrisley says that a dead cat fell in his food at his Florida prison. Say what?

Todd Chrisley hasn’t exactly been quiet about his experience behind bars.

The “Chrisley Knows Best” patriarch has been pretty much complaining since Day One of his (recently reduced) sentence for bank fraud and tax evasion at the Federal Prison Camp in Pensacola.

The 54-year-old Georgia native has griped about everything from the noise, the air conditioning (or lack thereof) and prying eyes.

The reality TV star’s daughter, Savannah, also has discussed his issues on her “Unlocked” podcast, saying that among his myriad problems is not being able to get hair dye at the commissary, and, as a result, has gone completely gray.

Last Friday, though, Chrisley made his most shocking claim yet, telling News Nation reporter Brian Entin that he witnessed a dead cat drop from the moldy ceiling, and into the inmates’ meals.

“It is so disgustingly filthy,” he complained to Entin about the meal service. “The food is literally, I’m not exaggerating this, is dated. It’s out of date by at a minimum a year. It’s a year past expiration.”

Shortly after Chrisley unleashed that bombshell, the Federal Bureau of Prisons responded in a statement to media.

“It is the mission of the [FBOP] is to operate facilities that are safe, secure and humane,” a representative said in the statement, with no mention of a cat. “We take seriously our duty to protect the individuals entrusted in our custody, as well as maintaining the safety of our employees and the community.”

As for the spoiled-food allegations? The spokesperson said the facility’s mission is “to provide healthy, nutritionally sound and appetizing meals that meet the needs of every individual,” adding that any item past the expiration date is “discarded.”

As for Chrisley’s other grumblings about the living situation at FPC Pensacola, the fallen businessman is free to take up matters with the proper authorities.

“If prisoners have complaints about their living quarters, food, or anything else,” the statement concluded, “the BOP encourages them to seek a formal review through their prison’s Administrative Remedy Program for any concerns.”

One bright spot: Chrisley recently got roughly two years shaved off his stretch, and only has about a decade of coping strategies to go.

His date of release: Jan. 22, 2033.