Tom Arceneaux: Compared to what?

“Compared to what?”

I still can hear Harriet Cameron Belchic’s question. Harriet was my friend and political advisor who died too young in 1999. Her constant question, which she frequently put to me about a proposition or a candidate, always put the decision in perspective.

Most decisions are not “yes” or “no.” They involve more subtle distinctions. Sometimes the choice is between two good things, but the decision-maker can only do one of them. Sometimes the choice is between alternatives neither of which may be positive, but the decision-maker must choose one (the proverbial lesser of two evils).

The “compared to what” question particularly applies to local governmental budgeting decisions in Louisiana. Local governments in Louisiana cannot raise taxes without a vote of the people, and they must pass balanced budgets. The budgetary pie is finite, and the City cannot “print money.” Accordingly, when it comes to budget time, there are frequently more “good” things that government could do than there are revenues to do them all.

The Shreveport City Charter requires the mayor to submit a proposed operating budget and capital budget to the City Council by October 1 of each year, and the Charter directs the Council to adopt the budgets on or before December 15 for the fiscal year that will begin on January 1. The Charter leaves to the mayor, and the mayor alone, the detailed procedures for preparing and presenting the operating budget. The mayor, then, controls the flow of information.

Most budget presentations involve the proposed budget, compared to current year actual numbers and budget and prior year performance. The discussion then ensues about the proposal – why some allocations are up, why some are down, why some remain the same. Seldom is there a real discussion about priorities or any question of “what if” the allocations changed. In other words, there is almost no discussion that asks, “Compared to what?”

Why all the technical (and maybe boring) discussion about budgets and the charter? Because the person who controls the information holds the power. The mayor can either hold onto that power by limiting information about choices, or he can share information with the public and the council about the choices the city has before it.

The city is like a person. Different neighborhoods and different people – different histories, different income levels, different ethnicities, different needs – make up her body. The body is healthier when all its parts participate. One means of finding unity among diversity is for the body’s different parts to find as much consensus about priorities and expenditures as possible. That requires the Mayor to give up some power by sharing information and presenting the information in an understandable format.

When the mayor and the city council begin their terms for 2023-2026, the current Mayor and City Council already will have passed the budgets for 2023. If the people of Shreveport elect a new mayor, he should begin asking the “what if” questions.

Done well, “what if” questions are not necessarily proposals, just possibilities. What if some departments could perform well with fewer revenues, permitting re-allocation of funds to higher priorities? What if each department head determined what he or she would do with a lower budget as well as what he or she would do with a higher budget? What enhanced level of service might the department provide?

The beginning of a term is the perfect time to ask provocative questions. What I pledge to do as mayor of Shreveport is to ask those questions and share the possibilities with the council and the public, so that, together, we can search for consensus and unity of priority and purpose.

Talk about unity is easy. Developing processes that promote unity is more difficult, messier, and totally worthwhile for our city.

When we all work together, we can make dem bones rise again.

Tom Arceneaux is a former city councilman and candidate for mayor of Shreveport.

This article originally appeared on Shreveport Times: Tom Arceneaux: Compared to what?