Tom Brennan: A veteran father remembered

I have always been proud of my father as a member of The Greatest Generation, the men and women who fought and won World War II. Although I had that pride, I never wrote about it for publication — until today.

My father, Robert Jerome Brennan, was drafted into the U.S. Army in April of 1941.

Recently, my wife, Joyce, and I were going through some of his belongings and paperwork and discovered a postcard from the Selective Service in an old family Bible.

The card ordered him to report for a physical examination on April 8, 1941. He reported to the Bucyrus Armory in Bucyrus, Ohio, to be examined by Dr. G. T. Wasson.

World War II was underway at that time in some parts of the world, but the U.S. was not yet directly engaged. That changed after Dad was drafted when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. Dad was then 22 years old.

The war would take Dad around to the other side of the world where he would ultimately have a near-death experience.

Grew up caring for crops on grandparents' farm

Dad grew up on his grandparents' farm along Ohio 96 about three miles west of Shelby. He spent a lot of time working the ground with a team of horses and caring for the crops. His father had died and his mother moved to Shelby.

Her parents needed help on the Glower farm, so she left Dad there. He worked hard to meet the expectations of his stern grandfather, Jacob Glower. Dad attended Tiro school but did not graduate.

The war changed everything for the world and my father. He often talked about the experiences he had during those war years but never mentioned violence. Some of the stories he told are reflected here.

Within a short time after Pearl Harbor, Dad was on a massive troop carrier sailing around the southern tip of Africa on the way to India. The trip took weeks with constant efforts to detect patrolling Japanese submarines.

Dad was soon stationed in New Dehli, India, and trained as a teletype operator. He learned Morse code and became a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He eventually helped support an operations and communications center.

He did not talk about combat. I suspect he did not have many combat experiences. He was, however, dispatched as far out as French Indochina, now known as Vietnam. He also spent a significant amount of time in Burma.

He described contact he had with Chinese allies while in the field.

Too much partying led to missing fateful flight home

His overseas duty lasted three years. There were six stitched hash marks on the left sleeve of his dress uniform with each one representing six months of overseas duty. He achieved the rank of tech sergeant.

When the three years came to an end, Dad was scheduled on a military flight home. The night before his scheduled departure, Dad understandably celebrated his last night in a war theater drinking with buddies.

The bad news was that his partying caused him to miss his flight home. The fortunate news for him, although tragic news for many others, was that the flight he missed crashed into the Himalaya Mountains, killing everyone on board.

Dad said that mountain range was known by soldiers as “The Hump.” It was a dangerous challenge for flight crews.

The flight that Dad missed was not the first to go down there.

When he got back in the U.S., Dad was stationed for a time at the Pentagon. I don’t know what his duties were there, but I suspect his knowledge of Morse code was handy and useful. He was ultimately discharged in 1948 and returned home.

In 1949, he was married to my mother, Pauline Wilson, and bought his uncle Bert Brennan’s house. That house was across the road from the Glower farm and it is where I grew up.

I was born in 1950 and my sister, Jane, was born in 1951.

Dad got a job at the Ohio Steel Tube Co. in Shelby and worked there for 25 years.

Buried in Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery

He died from cancer in 1975. A lifetime of smoking cigarettes caught up with him.

Mom called my wife Joyce and me the night of his death. We drove to the house to discover that he had already passed away. It was a very sad and difficult night. I thought I would never stop crying.

Dad was buried in the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery on Ohio 61 about halfway between Shelby and Crestline. This rural cemetery and Catholic church was founded by settling German and Irish immigrants. The Brennan family was part of this.

The cemetery is not only home to my father but also his father, Charles, his grandfather, Bernard, and his great-grandfather, Patrick. It was Patrick who brought his family from Ireland to the rural Shelby area in 1829.

We make regular trips to that cemetery, including, of course, Memorial Day. It always gives me a sense of pride to see the American flag posted by Dad’s tombstone and the tombstones of many other veterans.

We have purchased grave sites in that cemetery, which will make me the fifth generation buried there.

Dad was not a gallant officer or a war hero. But he was a hard-working GI who did what he could to communicate with other soldiers. He played an important role to make them safe and successful in the battle zones.

I am proud of him.

Tom Brennan is the retired editor of the News Journal. He can be contacted at

This article originally appeared on Mansfield News Journal: Tom Brennan pays tribute to his father on Veterans Day