Tonight's prescription: Penicillin. (Yup, as in the cocktail.)

Fountainhead cocktail
Time for happy hour at home. (Anne Cusack / Los Angeles Times)

The Penicillin is a modern classic that was created by bartender Sam Ross. He makes his with single-malt and blended Scotches; in this stay-home spin, I’m calling for whatever whiskey you have. While making a syrup may seem fussy, it takes only minutes. Once you’ve got ginger-honey syrup in the fridge, you can make the nonalcoholic variations below for a dose of feel-good in any form, at any time.

Penicillin Cocktail

  • 2 ounces blended scotch or other whiskey

  • ¾ ounce fresh lemon juice

  • ¾ ounce Ginger-Honey Syrup (see recipe below)

1. Combine the scotch, lemon juice and syrup in a cocktail shaker or insulated water bottle filled with ice. Put on the cap and shake vigorously for 20 seconds.

2. Strain into a rocks glass with one large ice cube. If you happen to have single-malt scotch, pour a splash on top.

Ginger-Honey Syrup

5 minutes. Makes about ½ cup

  • ¼ cup honey

  • One piece fresh ginger (2 inches), peeled and sliced

Bring the honey, ginger and ⅓ cup water to a boil, stirring to dissolve the honey. Remove from the heat and use immediately or refrigerate in an airtight jar for up to 5 days.

Other Honeyed Ginger Drinks

Honey Ginger-Ale

  • 1 ounce Ginger-Honey Syrup (see recipe above), plus more

  • Sparkling or soda water

Pour the syrup into an ice-filled glass and fill with soda or sparkling water. Stir well and sip. Add more syrup if you’d like.

Ginger Honey Tea