Can tornadoes occur during winter?

(WHTM) – Tornadoes occur all over the United States and mostly happen from March through June, but can they occur in the winter?

According to Wise Voter, the top ten states for tornadoes is (based on average number of tornadoes):

  • Oklahoma (53)

  • Georgia (56)

  • Iowa (61)

  • Illinois (61

  • Louisiana (63)

  • Alabama (83)

  • Kansas (87)

  • Mississippi (102)

  • Texas (120)

Pennsylvania averages 17 tornadoes which ranks 25th in America, according to Wise Voter.

But most of these are talked about during “tornado season,” but according to The Weather Channel, tornadoes can occur in winter and fall.

Counties with the most tornadoes in Pennsylvania

The Weather Channel states that from 2003 through 2022 that the average amount of tornadoes in December was 45, in January was 38, and in February was 40.

Not only do tornadoes occur during the winter months but according to Envista Forensics, they can be more dangerous because they usually occur at night.

Why does this occur, according to The Weather Channel, due to the cold air not being able to penetrate some parts of the southern U.S., it creates a jet stream which overlaps warmer/more humid air.

The reason these tornadoes occur at night is due to daylight hours being shorter. According to The Weather Channel night tornadoes are twice as deadly compared to day tornadoes.

The Weather Channel also has tips to be warned of a tornado during the nighttime hours:

  • Buy a NOAA weather radio.

  • Your smartphone can alert you.

  • Other weather apps can also alert you.

  • Know where to go (Have a plan).

In the winter months, places like east Texas, the Mississippi Valley, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida are most at risk of tornadoes, according to Fox Weather.

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