Torres: My mother put her own dreams on hold and instead used them to nourish us | Opinion

My mom dreams in Spanish.

I always found that fact about her to be fascinating, though it shouldn’t be a surprise.

She was born in Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico, and like an entire generation of islanders, moved to New York City with her family in 1954 when she was just 16 years old, in search of a better life.

Language barriers weren’t the only obstacle she had to face. There was suddenly a need for winter clothes. To this day, she has a hard time staying warm when it gets chilly.

There were cultural adjustments as well. She traded farm life, raising chickens and pigs and doing laundry in the stream for loud, screeching subways, laundromats and cramped apartments.

With things tight and the American Dream slow to materialize, she had no choice but to leave high school and find work as a “floor girl” in a dress factory cutting the hanging threads on dresses. Several months later one of her sisters got her a job at a factory making women’s belts.

Carmen Torres, John's mother, at the beach during the 1950s.
Carmen Torres, John's mother, at the beach during the 1950s.

It makes me sad sometimes to think of my mother making belts instead of learning geography, climbing staircases instead of hills on her farm and not understanding the language of the land. She spent her time in cold, soulless factories instead of getting ready for her prom.

It must have been difficult, maybe even terrifying, though I wouldn’t know because she’s never complained about it.

Instead, she learned the language, met my dad — a native New Yorker — got married and then proceeded to raise me along with my two sisters. Like many women of her generation, she sacrificed work, school and any career aspirations to be a stay-at-home mom.

My dad ascended the corporate ladder high enough to catapult us solidly to middle class and was able to pay for my sisters and me to attend college and earn our degrees.

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Maybe my mother couldn’t help me much with my homework as I got older but she was and remains to this day one of the kindest people I know. She strikes up conversations with strangers at the grocery store, is wildly popular in her bowling league, active in her local Latin-American club. Though in her 80s, she still drags my dad to social club dances where she spends the night dancing salsa and boleros.

And she always seems eager to make others happy.

Just recently she spent a full day cooking beef empanadas to bring to the staff of her physical therapist when she learned how much they loved Puerto Rican food.

She still speaks with an accent. Whenever any of my childhood friends would make fun of her, I would defend her by asking how many languages they spoke. I doubt she ever knew this, until now.

Columnist John A. Torres and his mom share the same zany sense of humor.
Columnist John A. Torres and his mom share the same zany sense of humor.

Growing up, no matter what was going on, I could always count on seeing her face in the stands for my Little League games. Then when I was older, she would be at all my rock band’s gigs at the worst dives around. We even played at a terrible bar in Yonkers on Christmas day! She was there. I only found out later that she wore ear plugs.

She has supported me, always. She offers advice but never insists I take it. She has a crazy sense of humor like her only son and we share an affinity for scary movies and bingeable television series.

She is the first woman I ever loved and I am still fascinated that she dreams in Spanish.

Whatever dreams she had for herself would never come true. She had to sacrifice them at such a young age. Instead she poured them, along with her love, prayers and all her good intentions, into her children.

I just hope we didn’t disappoint her.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.

Contact Torres at 321-242-3684 or at You can follow him on Twitter @johnalbertorres or on Facebook at

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: My Puerto Rican-born mother dreams in Spanish, nourished us with love