Torres: Sept. 11 can be a reset moment, reminding us to live | Opinion

Just before the pandemic I found myself in my hometown of New York City. It was late January, biting cold and the skies were gray for my entire stay.

After I finished work and my other obligations were complete — including munching down a "dirty-water dog" with mustard and onions at a Sabrett's cart, I decided to spend my last free afternoon doing something just for me.

I narrowed my choices to an art museum or a trip down to the southernmost tip of Manhattan to visit the World Trade Center memorial. I chose the latter.

Nothing could prepare me for the waves of emotion that would wash over me that day starting with the twin memorial waterfall pools that sit in the footprints of the Twin Tower buildings. The water falls more than 50 feet down until the eye can can no longer follow. Surrounding the pools are parapets with the names of the nearly 3,000 souls lost that day at the towers, the Pentagon and the four flights.

The name of NYC Firefighter and family friend Manny Mojica is etched in a bronze parapet framing the memorial pools at the 9/11 memorial.
The name of NYC Firefighter and family friend Manny Mojica is etched in a bronze parapet framing the memorial pools at the 9/11 memorial.

I immediately searched for and found the name of a family friend, Manny Mojica, a firefighter who ran up into the building as thousands were scrambling to escape. I felt compelled to run my fingers over the letters of his name.

The thing that struck me most about this area was the quiet. Despite the hustle and bustle of the city around us, the area exudes a feeling of tranquility and introspection.

Various sites from the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Various sites from the 9/11 Memorial Museum

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Inside the museum, there was hushed contemplation as visitors went through exhibits like a wrecked fire truck, interactive timelines, artifacts and keepsakes of those lost. There are some rooms with items from the fallen so personal and deep in meaning that photography is prohibited and enforced.

But the room that caused my knees to literally buckle was one that displayed photos in beautiful, bright definition of every single life lost that day. The photos took up every inch of wall space on the four walls surrounding me. They are smiling, happy and alive once more.

Various sites from the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Various sites from the 9/11 Memorial Museum

The museum continues to descend until the visitor is at the actual bedrock of the original buildings. That is where you'll also find a preserved staircase, known as the "survivor's stairs," where hundreds made it out to safety that fateful morning. It is a powerful site that words cannot adequately describe.

Then, just when you think there are no more gut punches to be had, you come across a gorgeous blue mosaic with an inscription forged from the twisted pieces of steel recovered from the wreckage.

Mosaic inside the 9/11 Museum
Mosaic inside the 9/11 Museum

The words are from the Roman poet, Virgil.

"No day shall erase you from the memory of time."

So, what should this anniversary day be about? September 11 will never be a day for BOGOs or car dealer extravaganzas. But nor should it be a day for defeat either. Maybe this date, forever linked with so much death, should simply be about the very opposite.

Let's make it a day to relish and live our lives. Maybe we can use it as a good reset moment as we transition from summer frolics to the winter holidays — a day to ask ourselves if we are living the best lives we can?

Various sites from the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Various sites from the 9/11 Memorial Museum

There will always be those who wish us harm. But there is nothing they can do to erase us from the memory of time. Maybe that's what kills them the most.

Take a moment today to remember. Then watch football, hug your kids, call your parents, kiss your spouse on the lips and just live.

Contact Torres at 321-242-3684 or at You can follow him on Twitter @johnalbertorres or on Facebook at

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This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Torres: Sept. 11 can be a reset moment, reminding us to live