Get out of town with these nonstop flights from Columbia to 10 cities

When you’re taking a vacation, every minute counts. Connecting flights leave room for variability and place yes another obstacle between travelers and their destinations.

The Columbia Metropolitan Airport (CAE) is relatively small when compared to other national airports, so while its nonstop flight offerings aren’t quite as robust as some of its peers, travelers still have a handful of selections to choose from.

CAE advertises 36 nonstop flights to 11 cities, though nonstop flights are only available in 10 cities at this time. New York City has halted nonstop services due to COVID-19.

Here are your nonstop flight options currently being offered by CAE.

City: Atlanta, Georgia

Airline: Delta Air Lines

Estimated flight time: One hour

Days offered: Daily

City: Charlotte, North Carolina

Airline: American Airlines

Estimated flight time: One hour five minutes

Days offered: Daily

City: Chicago, Illinois

Airline: United Airlines

Estimated flight time: Two hours 20 minutes

Days offered: Daily

City: Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

Airline: American Airlines

Estimated flight time: Two hours 40 minutes

Days offered: Daily

City: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Airline: Silver Airways

Estimated flight time: One hour 40 minutes

Days offered: Sunday and Thursday

City: Miami, Florida

Airline: American Airlines

Estimated flight time: One hour 44 minutes

Day offered: Saturday

City: Orlando, Florida

Airline: Silver Airways

Estimated flight time: One hour 55 minutes

Days offered: Sunday and Thursday

City: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Airline: American Airlines

Estimated flight time: One hour 46 minutes

Days offered: Daily

City: Tampa, Florida

Airline: Silver Airways

Estimated flight time: One hour 55 minutes

Days offered: Sunday and Thursday

City: Washington, D.C.

Airline: United Airlines (Dulles) or American Airlines (Reagan National)

Estimated flight time: One hour 27 minutes

Days offered: Daily