Traders angry at delay fixing market entrance

Preston Market
The door is boarded up forcing shoppers to use one of two other entrances [BBC]

Traders at a market in Lancashire said delays fixing a popular entrance are putting shoppers off visiting their stalls.

The door to the Earl Street entrance of Preston Market was damaged when a car crashed into it before Christmas.

It is now boarded up, forcing shoppers to use one of two other entrances.

Preston City Council said repaired like this inevitably take time and as replacement parts have to be specially made.

But traders have said it is affecting their businesses.

"A lot of customers come through that door there because I'm adjacent to the town hall and the courts so people come in for sandwiches at lunch time," said Jonathan Strand from Arthur Strand Cooked Meats and Deli.

"The place looks like it's boarded up to be fair, it doesn't even look like it's open."

Adrian Livesey, from Livesey’s Butchers, said his stall is next to the door, which is a major access point for his trade.

"It does make the top end of the stall a little trickier to view from especially if it's busy," Mr Livesey said.

"It's been a big, big job for us trying to get people to walk in the top end of the market and back through the market.

"It's our pride and joy is this market."

The council said progress has been slow due to legal issues and struggles sourcing the unique fittings required to fix the door.

Councillor Martin Rawlinson said: "I think we could have done a little bit better on making it look better more quickly, but I don't think we could have got it fixed any quicker."

"These are custom-made units, there isn't a hundred of these buildings around the country. It's unique, it has to be manufactured from scratch."

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