Traditions of Easter and cultural appropriation of Eostre

Happy Eostre!

Spring/April/the time of the equinox is the time of celebration of the ancient spring fertility festival honoring the goddess Eostre (Ostara, Oestera).

This celebration, of pagan origin, pays tribute to the renewal of the Earth, the rebirth of life after the dead of winter. Eostre is the pagan fertility goddess of humans and crops.

The traditional colors of the festival are green, yellow and purple. The symbols used are hares and eggs, representing fertility (because we all know that bunnies breed like, well, rabbits) and new life.

Legend has it that Eostre mated with the solar god of the spring equinox and nine months later, at Yule/winter solstice, gave birth to a man/god child.

The subject of fertility and new life and its relationship to Eostre can be found throughout many cultures. Colored eggs have been associated with the spring celebration since at least 580 BCE in Persia. In Ukraine, Pysanka eggs historically honored the sun god father of Eostre's child until Christianity came to Ukraine.

Eostre is the namesake of the female fertility hormone estrogen.

Her name and festival rituals have been appropriated by Christianity for the church's rebirth-after-death story.

I've had Christians become quite upset when I've mentioned that many of the Easter symbols and rituals they hold dear have been co-opted from ancient pagan fertility rites. Brightly colored eggs, egg hunts themselves, bunnies as bearers of said eggs, the colors, the stories of rebirth after the dead of winter — all are taken from Eostre legends and rituals.

In reality, Christianity should be embarrassed that it has needed to embellish its Easter tradition by appropriating pagan symbols and rituals for its own use. The bunny isn't for Easter, it's for Eostre. The eggs aren't part of Easter, they're symbols of Eostre. Really the only symbol of Eostre the Christian church hasn't appropriated for Easter is the dragon/serpent. I guess a dragon couldn't quite so easily be worked into their narrative.

This cultural appropriation is similar in deed but smaller in scale than the appropriation of pagan Yule traditions (decoration of an evergreen tree in the home, mistletoe, holly, wreaths, garlands, candle, bells and stars) and calling them Christmas.

Regardless, cultural appropriation is wrong, whatever your motivation.

What are examples of cultural appropriation? Taking anything from one culture and using it for your own. Examples include not just religious symbols, but clothing and or costumes, language or forms of speech, dance, songs/music, food, artifacts and intellectual property/stories/legends. Just as it is wrong to wear Native American regalia if you are not part of the tribe that crafts that particular ensemble and it is wrong to co-opt cultural hair styles if they are not from your culture, it is wrong to "borrow" the religious or ceremonial symbols of a particular faith or culture and incorporate it into your own.

There is no fecund rabbit toting a basket of dyed eggs in any variation of the Easter story.

There were no jelly beans at the Last Supper.

There are no bunnies in the Bible.

— Times Writers Group member Karen Cyson is a child-care provider in Stearns County and the coordinator for Central Minnesota Mensa. Her column runs the third Sunday of the month.

This article originally appeared on St. Cloud Times: Traditions of Easter and cultural appropriation of Eostre