Traitor at Ukrzaliznytsia exposed after collaborating with FSB and adjusting strikes on Kyiv

An employee of Ukrzaliznytsia was detained in Chernihiv
An employee of Ukrzaliznytsia was detained in Chernihiv

The traitor, who is said to have been recruited by the Russian Federation shortly after the start of the full-scale invasion, turned out to be a current official of the Regional Branch of the South-Western Railway.

Read also: SBU detains Russian agent recruited to adjust targeting of strikes on infrastructure in western Ukraine

The collaborator was reportedly promised a management position in an occupation administration, in the event of the area’s capture by Russian forces.

According to the SBU, the suspect was in constant contact with a personnel officer of the Russian FSB, who was interested in intelligence about the time and place of movement of military echelons with weapons and ammunition of the Armed Forces.

The detainee also tried to pass the coordinates of power infrastructure facilities in Kyiv to the enemy. The invaders planned to use these coordinates to prepare and carry out a series of targeted missile strikes on Ukrainian infrastructure.

Read also: SBU detains suspected Russian agents preparing strikes on critical infrastructure in Odesa and Kherson

The traitor was detained in the city of Chernihiv. Searches of the suspected traitor’s belongings uncovered smartphones containing correspondence with a representative of the Russian special services, the SBU said.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (treason committed under martial law), the suspected traitor faces 15 years or life in prison if found guilty.

Read the original article on The New Voice of Ukraine