Transgender Woman Transferred To Male Prison After Allegedly Impregnating Two Women In Prison

Demi Minor, a transgender woman at a prison in New Jersey, has been transferred to a men’s prison after allegedly impregnating two women at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, Advocate reports. The 27-year-old is serving a 30-year sentence for manslaughter.

It was reported that Minor’s partners were pregnant in April with a then-unidentified trans prisoner. The nature of their relationships have been described as consensual, though the state prohibits even consensual relationships between inmates.

After the institution learned of the pregnancies, Minor and the two other women were put in some form of solitary confinement. Minor later learned that she was now considered a security threat and given notice that she would be transferred to a vulnerable inmates’ unit at Garden State Youth Correctional Facility.

This transfer could be incredibly dangerous for Minor. According to Justice 4 Demi, she “surprise transferred to Edna Mahan in 2020 while earnestly requesting hormones and gender affirming items, things supply chains didn’t exist for in a men’s prison.” Now, according to the website, she may not have access to those hormones, items, or “gender-appropriate housing, and surgery.”

Justice 4 Demi also notes that this isn’t necessarily an unprecedented situation for Edna Mahan.

“To be clear, Edna Mahan has housed pregnant inmates before,” it reads. “Edna Mahan has had inmates caught in romantic relationships before. None of this has ever constituted a security threat.”

In a letter penned by Minor on the website, she explained that she hung herself in the van taking her to Garden State, Advocate reports. She was then placed on suicide watch when she arrived. The 27-year-old claims she was beaten during the transfer and continues to be harassed by inmates at Garden State.


Additionally, whether or not Minor impregnated these women in dubious. According to Advocate, it’s not clear how far Minor was on hormone therapy, which most likely would have barred her from being able to get anyone pregnant. She (or someone on her behalf) tweeted about her hormone treatment being delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that was two years ago.

It’s also important to note that several prisoners at Edna Mahan have accused staffers at the institution of sexual abuse and exploitation, NJ Advance Media reports.


According to Justice for Demi, Minor was sexually abused while in foster care. She received a manslaughter charge at 16-years-old after “an act of misdirected hostility in which she killed her former foster father whom she wrongly blamed at the time for the sexual abuse she suffered while under his care.”

While incarcerated, she’s taken paralegal courses and helped other inmates with legal matters. She’s also helped some receive gender-affirming items.


Minor is looking forward to taking over Justice 4 Demi when she’s out of prison, and plans to “devote her life to reforming the juvenile justice system,” the bio states.

She’ll be eligible for parole in 2037.