A translation problem: Our planet's running a fever | Candace McKibben

An important part of my morning ritual is to read the news, often from my inbox on my computer. Apple News, The New York Times, The Christian Century, and The Greater Good Science Center are among the regulars that greet me and my cup of coffee in the morning.

With so many news outlets vying for the reader’s attention, it is important to carefully craft the subject line. And the New York Times did a great job on this Tuesday past, at least as far as I am concerned. The subject was “The Morning: a translation problem.” I was intrigued.

Canescens wild azalea. Many varieties of wild azaleas will be available at Birdsong Nature Center’s Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, March 25, 2023.
Canescens wild azalea. Many varieties of wild azaleas will be available at Birdsong Nature Center’s Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

Being closely involved with several refugee families in our community, these brave people were my first thought. Speaking English is critical to getting along in America and I am awed at the refugees in our community who, despite the trauma they carry and the obstacles they face, are working diligently to become proficient in English.

As a minister my next thought was about the various translations of holy scriptures that different faith traditions employ. Often in worship or scripture study, people compare various translations to better understand what the text is saying.

As one who has concerns over the ways in which our society has become so divisive and seemingly unable or unwilling to listen to one another, I wondered if the article might be a primer on how to overcome our differences. Perhaps it was a challenge to us all to speak in ways that the other understands.

Hot, hot, hot: Celsius vs. Farenheit

When I opened the email, the “translation problem” was not involving any of the possibilities that drifted across my mind. Rather, the translation problem discussed involved the issue many Americans have with comprehending the ongoing warnings about climate change. As one of only a handful of nations that use Fahrenheit to measure our temperature rather than Celsius, the numbers discussed can obscure our understanding and perhaps dull our concern.

The world’s top scientists released their most recent report on climate change this week and again the temperatures are given in Celsius. A climate scientist from Canada, Katherine Hayhoe, believes it is important for Americans and others who do not use Celsius to realize that the difference we are anticipating is not a small meaningless number, and she gives the analogy of a fever to help us understand.

She believes that those of us who use the Fahrenheit scale of temperature need a personal experience to connect us with just what 1.5 Celsius (or 2.7 Fahrenheit) means. So, she asks us to think about how much worse we feel when we run a fever of 101.3 degrees Fahrenheit, 2.7 degrees above normal. That fever, she says, is the equivalent of what the planet is facing.

Dogwood trees can bloom for weeks in spring, displaying beautiful four-petaled white flowers.
Dogwood trees can bloom for weeks in spring, displaying beautiful four-petaled white flowers.

Spring fever

I found this an extremely simple yet profound analogy to make the important point of the significance of climate change. And I find her optimism that if we Americans can understand this from our personal experiences, we might better realize that the planet is sick and needs our concern, a statement of faith in goodness and hope for the people who have historically emitted more planet-warming greenhouse gases than any other country.

Springtime in Tallahassee is so beautiful. An ancient Easter hymn says it poetically: “Earth her joy confesses, clothing her for spring.” On recent walks through various neighborhoods in our city or along wooded trials in various parks, I am often stopped in my tracks by the splendor of nature.

Backyard azaleas in full bloom.
Backyard azaleas in full bloom.

The colors, the fragrances, the exquisite, intricate designs of flowers, the delightful spring green that seems to transform barren trees overnight, the delightful orchestra of birds, and the remarkable cerulean sky are extravagant gifts to us as humans.

Rather than take this grandeur for granted, it seems so important for us to realize that the earth has a fever and do what we can to bring the fever down.

Hayhoe says our neglect of the fever of the planet not only impacts the earth’s beauty, “it takes the most serious humanitarian issues today – hunger, poverty, lack of access to clean water, injustice, refugee crises and more – and it makes them worse.” The ripple effects of the planet’s fever give us greater incentive to care and to act.

Fear around climate change can be paralyzing, and so can the scale of the action needed to curb it, Hayhoe laments. But she says “the science shows that the solutions are at hand — and our choices matter.” You can find helpful information and practical ideas at her excellent website katharinehayhoe.com.

The pinkshell azalea is a deciduous shrub that is easily grown in gardens. It is adaptable to many sites, but is probably happiest in partial shade and at least moderately moist soils.
The pinkshell azalea is a deciduous shrub that is easily grown in gardens. It is adaptable to many sites, but is probably happiest in partial shade and at least moderately moist soils.

Sharing personal connections

Which brings us back to the translation problem, not just on climate change, but on so many important concerns that matter greatly. What simple but profound analogies can we imagine that will help people comprehend the severity of the problems we face?

How can we communicate in ways that involve a personal experience of connection that move the problem from theoretical to actual? How might we begin in our own families and among our own friends to have the optimism of Hayhoe to solve translation problems we experience.

As we are in this month when we celebrate women’s history and the beauty of springtime, I am moved by the history-making of Katherine Hayhoe, who is the Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy and is a Paul Whitfield Horn Distinguished Professor and the Political Science Endowed Chair in Public Policy and Public Law in the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech University.

I am grateful for her work and the confidence she has that we can face big problems with courage and hope. I pray we all will be intentional and optimistic about resolving the fever of the planet and other concerns as we work together to solve translation problems.

The Rev. Candace McKibben
The Rev. Candace McKibben

The Rev. Candace McKibben is an ordained minister and pastor of Tallahassee Fellowship.

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: A translation problem: It's springtime and planet's running a fever