Translucent creature — pregnant with green eggs — found in Saudi Arabia is new species

Scientists waded through low-tide waters, sieving murky water, overturning coral rocks and pumping water from sandy burrows in search of anything unusual. That’s when they spotted a tiny translucent creature — and discovered a new species of shrimp.

The researchers, Arthur Anker and Aymere Awoke Assayie, were exploring the Arabian Peninsula when they identified the new species: Palaemonella yalla, according to a study published Nov. 10 in the journal Zootaxa.

Two female specimens, both carrying eggs, were collected, the study said. One was found in Thuwal, along the Red Sea coast in Saudi Arabia, and the other was discovered on Masirah Island off the eastern coast of Oman.

The creatures measure about 0.2 inches, which researchers said was “medium-sized.” They have a smooth body, a sharp and straight beak, and slender legs.

The shrimp are translucent with a slight pale tinge.
The shrimp are translucent with a slight pale tinge.

Scientists said the shrimp are translucent with a slight pale yellow tinge. They have sporadic red spots on their bodies.

The shrimp have golden eyes, and their eggs are green, the study said. Their appendages are mostly translucent and colorless, but some of their legs are slightly iridescent orange.

The new species of shrimp has green eggs.
The new species of shrimp has green eggs.

Researchers named the new species after the Arabic word “yallah,” which means “let’s go,” “hurry up” or “alright,” according to the study.

The specimens were collected from the burrows of larger animals.
The specimens were collected from the burrows of larger animals.

The new species is only known from the two localities where it was found in the northwestern Indian Ocean, scientists said. Both collected specimens were found in burrows of “unknown hosts,” likely a larger animal. They were collected from sandflats with seagrass and coral rubble.

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