Traveling With Your Kids Will Make Them Better in School, Study Suggests

A new survey suggests that if you want your kids to be more successful in school, you should take them on vacation more.

A survey of almost 1,500 U.S.-based teachers, commissioned by the Student and Youth Travel Association (SYTA), found that 74 percent of educators believed that travel has “a very positive impact on students’ personal development.” A majority of teachers (56 percent) also believe that travel’s positive impact can extend to a student’s education and career.

Travel can have far-reaching impacts on kids. Teachers agreed that children who traveled to experience cultures other than their own have increased tolerance and respectfulness, willingness to learn and a willingness to try new things.

Not only do teachers believe that travel is useful in the classroom, it can also help on the playground. Kids who traveled were more likely to have higher independence, self-esteem, confidence, adaptability and sensitivity. They were also more likely to be more outgoing and have better self-expression than kids who stayed at home.

In more pragmatic terms, 42 percent of teachers thought that a well-traveled kid looked more attractive to college admissions recruiters.

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However, impactful travel doesn’t necessarily have to be jaunts around the world to explore cultures vastly different from a kid's hometown. Even traveling domestically but to a city where things are slightly different can kickstart a child’s global learning and understanding.

But, there’s one statistic that might give parents pause. Much like giving a mouse a cookie, taking a kid on a trip will only make them want more. Of the teachers surveyed, 76 percent said that they saw kids wanting to travel more after being taken on one trip.

There are certainly worse things, right?