Here’s how to treat those indentations in your forehead

Q. I have several indentations on my forehead. I’ve tried Botox and nothing seems to work. Do I need surgery or is there another solution?

A. There is a solution, but I don’t think that Botox is the appropriate one.

Indentations may occur because of some muscle pulling, but they most often occur because of loss of tissue. Loss of tissue can happen when someone has bumped his or her head and gets a hematoma (accumulation of blood). Indentations may also occur with fat atrophy.

When indentations occur in the forehead, they are noticeable because of the shadows that are created. Unfortunately, makeup will not cover these defects.

They must be filled with something, and there are multiple fillers that work.

Hyaluronic acid is one of the safest fillers that we use. That encompasses the Juvederm family of products as well as the Restylane group of fillers. They will last for up to a year or more and are safe with topical anesthesia.

Another filler that works very well is Radiesse, which is a calcium-based product. These products are safe when applied by an experienced injector.

If a more permanent solution is warranted, fat grafting may be used. The downside of using fat is that the fat level has to be precise and it may require one to two treatments.

I find that hyaluronic fillers, along with Radiesse, are best to treat this condition. The whole procedure may take five or 10 minutes once the topical anesthetic is applied and many are satisfied with their treatments.