'Treat trans women as who they are — women:' Dem Senate candidates declare support for transgender rights

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that all Democratic candidates for Senate in Missouri had declared support for trans rights.

Amid increased political scrutiny on transgender individuals, the three leading Missouri Democratic candidates for Senate have declared support for trans rights — even as a clip circulates online that candidate Trudy Busch Valentine says was taken out of context.

At a Wednesday town hall hosted by the Chesterfield Township Democrats, Busch Valentine was asked whether she believes trans women are women.

"I'm going to say a woman is a woman. You can't say — I've heard this too from the Republicans. You cannot say that a woman can bear a child. I cannot bear a child anymore. A woman is a woman," Busch Valentine said — referencing a recent viral exchange between Senator Josh Hawley and an abortion-rights advocate in which he stated no men can become pregnant, including transgender men.

"But in this transgender thing, that's a different issue and that's an issue that people have to come to on their own," she continued.

"They need the guidance of parents. They need doctors intervention. I don't think anything should be done until they're adults that lasts forever. But I think if they begin things like estrogen or testosterone and they can stop those things so people can get a second look at things."

Busch Valentine also said she is "for LGBTQ people."

"I have been to two PrideFests, two parades ... I have never felt more love and more intensity of feelings and goodness that I have in that community."

More: Missouri House passes two bills aiming to ban transgender athletes, Senate debates a third

Heir to the Anheuser-Busch family fortune, Busch Valentine jumped into the contest for the Democratic Senate nomination in March. She is the daughter of the late A-B chairman August "Gussie" Busch Jr. and a prominent philanthropist in St. Louis.

After her last-minute entry into the race, she quickly amassed support among past and present elected officials, receiving endorsements from Kansas City's U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, an array of St. Louis and KC-area state legislators and former U.S. House Rep. Richard Gephardt.

Captured on tape, a portion of the exchange was shared by actress and activist Susan Sarandon.

"Tired of the vote blue no matter who when there's a billionaire heiress Democrat like Trudy Busch Valentine running as a TERF," Sarandon wrote on a widely shared Twitter post — referencing 'Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist,' a somewhat derogatory term referring to feminists who do not believe transgender identities are legitimate.

But Sarandon's clip cuts out the beginning and end of Busch Valentine's response. In a statement to the News-Leader, Busch Valentine campaign manager Alex Witt called Sarandon's video "deceptively edited to leave a false impression."

"Trudy was responding to a question about Senator Josh Hawley's attack this week on trans women. Trudy believes that we must treat trans women as who they are — women," Witt told the News-Leader.

"Trudy made clear that she believes that every person, regardless of their gender or any other factor, deserves to be safe and treated with dignity and respect. As a nurse, Trudy understands the difficult decisions many people make when it comes to medical care. The last thing they need is disingenuous politicians like Josh Hawley denying them their basic human rights."

More: MO House GOP advances anti-trans legislation, votes down LGBTQ+ teacher discrimination ban

Witt also confirmed Busch Valentine would oppose "any legislation that would ban transgender individuals playing on the sports team appropriate for their gender."

According to Witt, Busch Valentine will be a "steadfast champion for LGBTQ equality and justice" in the U.S. Senate and will cosponsor the Equality Act, federal legislation banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

United States Senate candidate Spencer Toder speaks to a crowd during a pro-choice protest on Monday, July 4, 2022. Community members of all ages rallied in protest of the Supreme Court of the United States' decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday, June 24. Following the protest, the Party for Socialism and Liberation held a march to the federal courthouse.

Democratic Senate rival Spencer Toder took to Twitter to say the language used by Busch Valentine was "unacceptable."

"It is incredibly disheartening to hear that a Democratic U.S. Senate Candidate believes that gender-affirming care should be withheld," Toder wrote on Twitter. "I will always support everyone on this state and country, regardless of their identity. This is unacceptable."

In a subsequent tweet, Toder agreed the clip had been taken out of context, but said that context does not clarify the "statement in a positive way". He also said 'TERF' is "not necessarily the appropriate description of her stance."

More: After experiencing harassment, electrician starts transgender support group in Springfield

On his website, Toder says he will "fight and advocate" for the LGBTQ community — also supporting the Equality Act.

"The Human Rights Campaign equality index ranked Missouri in its lowest category. It is time that we protect the rights of all Missourians and all Americans. The LGBTQIA+ community should not be voided of its liberty and freedom..." Toder wrote.

"As a parent myself I know there is nothing that you wouldn’t do for your child. We currently live in a country and in a state that doesn’t advocate for LGTBQIA+ youth like they should. I want you to know that I am standing in the gap for you and fighting for your child’s right to live in a more equal, loving, and accepting world."

In a statement to the News-Leader, Senate candidate Lucas Kunce declined to criticize Busch Valentine but reiterated his support for trans rights.

"We've got record-high inflation, foreign corporations are ripping the Midwest apart, and more than 60 members of Congress have been breaking the rules against insider trading. But we've still got politicians and weirdos on cable news telling teenagers how to play sports and doctors how to do their jobs, when they should be focused on rebuilding our country and protecting the American people," Kunce wrote.

"Trans women are women, that's simple. In the Senate, I will always stand with LGBTQ+ Missourians against the corrupt politicians and billionaire elites who divide us."

From left: Lucas Kunce, Trudy Busch Valentine and Spencer Toder. The three are mounting distinct campaigns in an effort to secure the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.
From left: Lucas Kunce, Trudy Busch Valentine and Spencer Toder. The three are mounting distinct campaigns in an effort to secure the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate.

Debate on transgender identities have recently shot to the top of the political zeitgeist, especially in socially conservative circles where transgender people are often not accepted as the gender with which they identify. This has translated to proposed legislation in Missouri and other GOP-dominated states that aim to restrict transgender youth.

More: Missouri bill would allow school districts to hold elections on banning transgender athletes

A pair of bills passed the Missouri state House, but not the Senate, earlier this year that would have prevented transgender student athletes from participating in sports of their gender and banned transition-related care for anyone under the age of 18.

While many transgender individuals transition socially and do not seek medical changes, many utilize cross-sex hormones and surgery to feel more affirmed in their body. Typically, underage individuals do not take these steps — instead using reversible puberty blockers to delay the onset of puberty until the individual matures.

But in extreme cases of gender dysphoria, the misalignment of one's body and gender identity, transgender youths can gain access to hormone replacement therapy and even surgical intervention. But general guidelines of care warn doctors treating transgender youth against prescribing hormone blockers before the onset of puberty, against prescribing hormones before the age of 16 and against performing gender-affirming surgery before adulthood.

The Missouri bill would have banned both reversible and irreversible treatments for underage transgender Missourians.

The first foray into the transgender debate on the Democratic side of the isle, the issue has been a focus for many of the Republicans vying to replace outgoing Senator Roy Blunt. Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler launched her Senate campaign with an ad criticizing transgender athlete Lia Thomas, who has come under scrutiny for her success in professional women's swimming.

"Some people are afraid to talk about it. Not me... I won't look away while woke liberals destroy women's sports. Women's sports are for women. Not men pretending to be women," Hartzler said in the ad.

The issue is sure to be a factor in the general election regardless which Democrat wins the nominating contest on August 2.

This article originally appeared on Springfield News-Leader: Missouri Senate candidates support transgender rights