Trevor Noah Praises 'Normal' Chief Of Staff Mulvaney, Who Called Trump 'Terrible'

Trevor Noah is relieved that White House budget director and soon-to-be acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney once called Donald Trump a “terrible human being” — because that makes him “normal,” Noah quipped.

Noah was commenting on “The Daily Show” about a video that resurfaced from a week before the presidential election that captured Mulvaney saying that, yes, he was supporting Trump even though he considered him a “terrible human being.”

“That is a big jump: from calling someone a terrible human being to becoming their right-hand man,” scoffed Noah. “When Trump goes for that nuclear football, you’re going to want somebody reasonable within tackling distance.”

He said Trump’s entire White House is becoming like an after-hours club.
“You always wonder when the cops are going to shut it down, it’s full of weirdo Russians and there’s never enough women,” he noted.

Check out the video above to find out what Noah had to say about migration ... on Stephen Miller.

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost.