
Tribe Tennis slams Nacogdoches, 10-0

Aug. 22—Jacksonville scored a dominating victory over the Dragons from Nacogdoches on Saturday at the Frances White Tennis Center on the Jacksonville High School campus.

Previously Nacogdoches has been a district rival for the Tribe, but with the Tribe moving down to Class 4A this season, that is no longer the case.

The Tribe won the non-district match 10-0 officially, on a day that saw the Tribe collect the "W" in 18 of the 19 matches that were contested.

Jacksonville (3-3) will open district play by entertaining Carthage on Tuesday. First serve is scheduled for 4 p.m.

Jacksonville 10 (18) Nacogdoches 0 (1)

(Jacksonville winners)

Boys Doubles

Ethan Kohler/Westyn Hassell, 7-5, 7-6 (4)

Alex Hesterly/Emanuel Silva, 6-1, 6-0

Hernandez/Ramirez, (score unavailable)

Girls Doubles

Sarah McCullough/Alena Trawick, 6-0, 6-1

Claudia Mireles/Camden Fontenot, 6-0, 6-0

Mayte Otero/Rachel Dye, (score unavailable)

Mixed Doubles

Cornejo/Felipe Ortega, (score unavailable)

Boys Singles

Silva, 8-3

Hassell, 8-1

Hesterly, 8-4

Ortega, 8-2

Jose Meza, 8-1

Girls Singles

McCullough, 8-4

Otero, 8-5

Dye, 8-3

Gracie Webb, 8-4

Mireles, (score unavailable)

Trawick, (score unavailable)