Tribune-Democrat to use new help-wanted advertising platform

Jul. 15—JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — Beginning on Monday, The Tribune-Democrat will be posting its help-wanted advertisements to a new online platform, MaxRecruit, with the goal of having the notices reach more-precisely targeted audiences.

The artificial intelligence-powered service can place ads at more than 30 sites.

"Essentially, it will distribute targeted job postings to top job boards," said Christine Marhefka, advertising sales manager for The Tribune- Democrat and Johnstown Magazine. "They're putting the employers' ads in front of the right job- seekers. ... Say it's a nursing job, it will directly target nursing employment websites."

The submission process will remain the same for advertisers.

"We can make it simple for them," Marhefka said. "We can do all the work for them."

Devon Tomlinson, a classified sales representative with the newspaper, said switching to MaxRecruit will provide advertisers more flexibility.

"We have multiple different packages that would cater to different budgets, big or small," he said.

Tomlinson can be reached at 814-532-5040.