To Do Trivia Challenge to support Education Foundation of Muskogee ASF

Jan. 11—1. Groups, including businesses or friends, buy tables for eight in advance. $1,500 pays for a dinner for eight, all advertising, two bottles of wine (or one wine and one bucket of beer) and a grant named in your honor. $1,000 pays for a dinner for eight, one wine and one bucket of beer and a grant named in your honor. Advance sales end Jan. 31.

2. Groups at each table answer trivia questions in various categories to win prizes. Event will feature a silent auction, cash bar and a dessert auction.

3. Proceeds benefit Education Foundation of Muskogee efforts to provide grants for Muskogee Public Schools teachers.


Former Education Foundation of Muskogee President Tammye Howell said "it's fun to raise money. It's good to support the community. We have probably 50 or 100 desserts night, so you bid on the desserts. All that money goes to the Education Foundation for the grants."


PHONE: Karra Wardour, (918) 682-1119.

ONLINE: Education Foundation Facebook Page,