Trump ally Graham says he'd back subpoena for Bolton manuscript - CNN reporter

Sen. Graham speaks to reporters during a break in the fourth day of the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, a vocal ally of President Donald Trump, said on Monday he would support a subpoena to obtain former White House national security adviser John Bolton's book manuscript, according to a CNN reporter.

"What we have to do here is evaluate the manuscript and see if it's a reason to add to the record," Graham said, according to a tweet from the CNN reporter.

Asked if he would support a subpoena for the book, he added, according to the reporter: "I want to know what's in the manuscript, yeah. I think that's important."In a report on Sunday, the New York Times cited the manuscript as saying Trump told Bolton he wanted to withhold security aid to Ukraine until they helped investigate Democrats, including Joe Biden, a leading candidate for the 2020 presidential nomination.

(Reporting by Makini Brice; Editing by Tim Ahmann)