Trump's 'border security' shutdown: Cut off cash to people and agencies that protect us

In the name of strengthening border security, Trump refuses to fund the FBI, TSA, Coast Guard and Border Patrol(!). You can’t make this stuff up.

With the government shutdown now in its second week, President Donald Trump has doubled down on his demand for a border wall. As Trump explained, “We need Border Security, and as EVERYONE knows, you can’t have Border Security without a Wall. The Drones & Technology are just bells and whistles.” He’s even threatened to shut down the border entirely and close America’s ports of entry with Mexico if his demands aren’t met.

But there is a problem with Trump’s steely-eyed determination to keep the government partially shut down in the name of border security. There is no polite way to put this, but facts are facts and there is no room for debate: If the president really wants to protect our borders, this shutdown is objectively stupid, no ifs, ands or buts.

Only about a quarter of the government is actually feeling the impact of the shutdown because Trump refuses to sign a continuing resolution to keep that portion funded. But the affected agencies include the FBI, which works tirelessly to keep this country safe from terrorist attacks, along with the Coast Guard, the Border Patrol(!) and the Transportation Security Administration. All this in the name of strengthening border security. You couldn’t make this stuff up.

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Dear Dems, please forgo progressive payback in 2020. We just need to land the plane.

Many of the employees at these agencies perform what are considered “essential services” so instead of being ordered to stay home, they must continue working. But they aren’t getting paychecks. Federal employees take their missions seriously and the vast majority of them will continuing doing their best. But even so, the toll of not receiving paychecks will wear on them just as it would any of us.

Some of the most critical federal employees are also the lowest paid. About half of TSA screeners, for example, make less than $40,000 a year. It is already tremendously difficult to keep TSA screeners on the job and the federal government employs over 40,000 of them. At some airports, the annual turnover rate for screeners is 80 percent. And this shutdown is only going to make things worse.

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How many paychecks do you think TSA screeners can miss before they are forced to find another job — any job — to pay the bills? When they do leave, commercial aviation will start to grind to a halt. Worse, there will be no money to hire or train their replacements. So even after Trump decides to fund the TSA again, it will be weeks — perhaps months — before the security lines are fully staffed again and airlines can resume their normal schedules.

This isn’t governing. It’s rampant silliness. There is not a single person who actually thinks that forcing Border Patrol agents work without pay, or driving them to find new jobs, will somehow increase border security. So why has Trump painted himself into this corner?

I’m afraid that the answer is that Trump actually does not care about border security at all. It’s been obvious for quite some time that the main thing Donald Trump likes about being president is holding rallies. What he cares about is his “base” — specifically, the people who willing to show up and cheer for him.

Our president loves his “Build the wall!” chants. Nothing would cause him greater pain that standing on a stage in front of 10,000 of his erstwhile supporters and being booed instead of cheered. Before the shutdown, Trump had made clear that he was willing to sign a bill to keep the government open, even if it did not include funding for his wall. Because of Trump’s support, the Senate unanimously passed such a funding bill. But then his “base,” in the form of various pundits and talk-show hosts, began demanding that Trump shut down the government instead of signing a bill that did not include wall money. Rather than face their scorn, Trump reversed his position.

Trump doesn’t really care about the wall any more than he cares about border security. All he really cares about is being seen to fight for the wall so that people will continue cheering him at his rallies.

GOP should let Trump go down fighting

This is no way to run a country. I am sure that Democrats are tempted to stand by and watch Trump destroy everything he claims to care about until even his staunchest congressional supporters are willing to accept any deal that will end the chaos. Nonetheless, Democrats are advancing plans to immediately reopen the government and get these agencies funded again.

The question is, how will Republicans respond? Many House and Senate Republicans are claiming they will hold the line and refuse to reopen the government until Trump gets what he wants. While this makes a good sound bite, it is both irresponsible and unsustainable. No possible political interest can justify courting Border Patrol departures and maybe even a strike, or watching the commercial aviation system strained to the verge of collapse.

The kindest thing Republicans can do is to let Trump go down fighting. They should back the Democrats' efforts to reopen the government and, if necessary, vote to override Trump’s veto. This will straighten out the current mess while allowing Trump to claim he did everything he possibly could to keep faith with his fans but was stabbed in the back by “traitorous” Republicans.

This is a small price to pay for getting cash flowing once again into agencies like the FBI and the Border Patrol that really do protect America. And being a “traitor” to Donald Trump is far preferable to being a traitor to common sense and the public good.

It will also finally create a consensus that there are limits to what will be tolerated from President Trump. You wouldn't think agreeing that defunding the Border Patrol is not the way you increase border security would be a major breakthrough in bipartisanship, but we’ve got to start somewhere.

Chris Truax, a Republican, is an appellate lawyer in San Diego.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Trump's 'border security' shutdown: Cut off cash to people and agencies that protect us