Trump's chief of staff went on Fox News and, yeah, this isn't good

Donald Trump is freaking out over the Russia indictments, so naturally his chief of staff went on Fox News and went into damage control mode. Or he basically defended the Confederacy's position on slavery. One of the two.

John Kelly appeared Monday on the first night of Laura Ingraham's new show, The Ingraham Angle. When asked about taking down Confederate monuments, he defended Robert E. Lee and then said "the lack of an ability to compromise led to the Civil War."

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Yeah, not great. Fun history lesson: The Civil War was very much, explicitly about slavery. So yes, lawmakers could have compromised to avoid the Civil War. But that compromise would have involved protecting slavery.

More and more, the picture of Kelly as the "adult in the room" is looking ridiculous. To make these comments — especially after Charlottesville, and Trump's defense of people who marched with neo-Nazis — is inexcusable.


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