Trump claims truckers were sending him 'love' by honking during his speech. Not exactly.

During a White House event on the development of a coronavirus vaccine, President Trump claimed blaring horns were supportive of him. But the truckers were not rallying in support of the president. Instead, according to a White House reporter, they were protesting low shipping rates and were asking for support from the government.

Video Transcript


DONALD TRUMP: And you hear that outside, that beautiful sound. Those are truckers that are with us all the way. They're protesting in favor of President Trump as opposed to against. There's hundreds of trucks out there.

And that's the sign of love, not the sign of your typical protests. So I want to thank our great truckers. They like me and I like them. We're working on something together. But we have the mightiest-- and they'll be helping us with this, by the way, speaking of truckers.