Trump Considers Founding Digital Media Outlet to ‘Wreck’ Fox News: Report

President Trump is considering founding a digital media company to compete with Fox News, Axios reported on Thursday.

Trump has complained vociferously in recent months about Fox polls showing he would lose the presidency, and he was furious after the network projected Joe Biden as the winner of Arizona’s electoral votes. Because establishing a cable news alternative to Fox would be expensive and logistically challenging, the president could attempt to found a digital media outlet and try to siphon away Fox subscribers.

“He plans to wreck Fox. No doubt about it,” a source with knowledge of the plans told Axios.

The president currently claims that Democrats have “stolen” the election for Joe Biden, and may use rallies to amplify claims of voter fraud. At those rallies, the source said, Trump is “going to spend a lot of time slamming Fox.”

Trump engaged in a Twitter tirade on Thursday morning that lent credence to the Axios report, retweeting messages in which users renounced their support for Fox over the network’s alleged support for Democrats.